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"What are you doing in my room?" Nick asked playfully but with a hint of suspicion mixed in

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"What are you doing in my room?" Nick asked playfully but with a hint of suspicion mixed in.

Kaleb gestured towards himself. " Dry clothes"

Nick wore a dumb founded look." Oh, anyway the old man wants to talk to us"

Kaleb rolled his eyes then sauntered off as Nick looked at me. He suddenly ran, jumped into the bed beside me. Smiling proudly, he sighed contently but my mind raced as I gazed at his handsome care free face.

" Well.." I stated impatiently

" Well.." he smiled. " What?"

" Aren't you going to tell me what was that all about?" I huffed.

Nick's grin faltered. " No"

I growled. " And why the hell not?!"

Nick sat straight. " Cause you don't need to know"

I scoffed. " This again"

" Again?"

" Kaleb said the same thing"

Nick nodded. " And he's right-"

" But I-"

Nick grabbed ahold of my face, his thumbs grazing my cheeks lovingly. His silver eyes bore into me melting my irritation.

" Listen to me, don't think that I'm keeping information to hurt you. I'm doing this to protect you, in my world the less you know is what keeps you alive. If you know too much you'll become a target..." His hands tightened on my face. " I can not lose you, do you understand me?" He asked sternly

But I'm supposed to be okay losing you...

I nodded as he released me. Sighing he then leaned into me brushing his lips against mine. " I love you, I'm not going to let anything happen to you" he said lowly and almost hypnotically. I instinctively leaned in, landing a soft kiss. He deepen it, demanding entrance into my mouth with his tongue. My skin suddenly felt alive all over as our tongues intwined in their own secret dance. Like a key inside a ignition my core throbbed painfully with anticipation as I grew wet. I needed more, I needed to feel him inside of me, every throbbing vein, every ridge that was him. Over the two years I'd forgotten how intense making love with him was like. Our souls collided and mended as one. It was incredibly liberating and I missed it like hell. Never breaking apart, I pushed the blanket off of me and swung my leg over him, straddling him as I dug one hand into his soft hair and the other wrapped around a strong shoulder. I moaned inside of his mouth as he made a sound of approval with one strong hand against my back, pressing me into him. The other gripping my thigh as I gently grinded myself against the hard, bulge straining in his shorts.

" Yo! Nick!" It was Kaleb.

Nick growled in protest as our kissing slowed.

" Nicholas Carmine Lombardi! " A deep voice yelled. The deep voice echoed all the way from the floor below. Nick reluctantly pulled away and glared looking towards the doorway.

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