Fifty Nine

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2:45 pm

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2:45 pm

" I'm going to take your car and leave you" I said impatiently as leaned back in Nick's gaming chair. We were about twenty minutes late and it was all because Nick had to change clothes for a fourth time. I never understood why he felt the need to dress like he was a some kind of celebrity.

" Bro look at my face, I have to balance out the ugliness of myself" Nick said stepping out of his closet again. Now he was wearing a Armani tracksuit.

" Are you ready now?" I asked impatiently. Nick scoffed as he clasped a glittering watch around his wrist.

" What's the hurry? It's just another sit down it's not a big deal"

" I have a feeling it is"

Nick paused as he looked over at me. " What do you mean?"

Suddenly my phone started ringing and I sighed as I looked at the name on the screen. It was my dad.

" This is why" I muttered as I answered and put it on speaker.

" Hey dad"

" Kaleb, where are you?"

" Still at home" I sighed, shooting a look at Nick.

" Did something happen? Why are you still there?"

" No, Nick is actually a chick at heart and needs to change clothes seventeen times before he leaves the house"

With a grin Nick raised his hands and rose both of his middle fingers.

Dad sighed frustratedly. " Definitely Anthony's son"

" This why I need my own car" I said pointedly" I've been ready"

" That's because you don't care about how you look" Nick scoffed gesturing towards my outfit. It was just a unbuttoned red and black flannel over a gray t-shirt. Loose fitted black skinny jeans with white and black retro Jordans on my feet. They were the only things I spent a lot on when it came to what I wore. I'm a shoes guy.

" Your son dresses like a bum, Leon" Nick spat arrogantly as he ran his hands through his hair pushing it back as he stared at his reflection.

I scoffed. " Yet I still look better than you without a four hundred dollar tracksuit"

Nick snorted in disbelief. " God should strike you down because of the lies you tell"

" This is coming from a atheist"

Nick grinned at me through the mirror. " I can pretend to believe."

" Cut it out both of you. Are you finished yet Nicholas?" Dad asked.

" Yeah we're walking out of the door now" Nick said rolling his eyes.

" Get here quickly, a lot needs to be discussed"

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