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My hands throbbed as I gripped the steering wheel clenching and unclenching my jaw.

Kim was lying.

Right to my fucking face.

She told Mia, I knew she did.

" Nick's gone just tell me what the fuck happened" I said sternly trying my best to keep my voice down. Kim already didn't talk much and when I yelled at her, she shut me out completely. That's why she had much a dislike for Nick he was always loud and confrontational. He immediately accused her and I had to forceably make him back off. Nick hurried after Mia and I was now taking Kim out of downtown.

She silently stared at out the window.

" Kimberly" I spat growing impatient

She sighed frustratedly and looked at me. " What do you want me to say Kaleb? "

" The truth" I said obviously. " I know your fucking lying"

She crossed her arms over her chest pushing her tits up and rising her cleavage. I looked up at her face not letting myself get distracted. I pulled into the parking lot near the woods we always went to. It was peacefully dark and I slouched in my seat turning the engine off. I could barely see Kim's face anymore.

" She had a right to know" Kim said harshly. I could practically feel the dark gaze she was shooting at me.

I scowled. " It wasn't your place, Nick-"

" -would have never told her, it's fucked up" Kim spat. " You know it is"

I sighed frustratedly shaking my head. " That's not my problem or yours. That's your biggest fucking problem Kim. You act all dark like you hate people but your steadily involving yourself in shit that has nothing to do with you" I snapped.

Kim scoffed. " That's rich "

" What the fuck does that mean?!"

" You asked me to be there with you and play along with Nick's immature bullshit. But I have no right to say anything right?! Just be pretty and keep my mouth shut" she huffed.

" Yes! That's what you were supposed to do" I blurted. " That's it! You over stepped and I have to fix this with Nick all over again"

Kim scoffed. " How you defend him.. you might as well  be sucking his dick"


I snapped my gaze towards her and I was suddenly furious that I couldn't see her fucking face. My jaw clenched as I balled my fists, I bit my tongue huffing and flexing my hands. Kim was out of her fucking mind. I'd never been more tempted to punch a bitch in the fucking face than I was right now.

" You better watch your fucking mouth Kim" I threatened. " Don't ever fucking disrespect me like that"

" I'm not scared of you Kaleb, you know it's true Nick calls and you go running like his bitch"

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