Sixty Five

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" Un fucking believable" I spat angrily as I hurried down the hallway with Vinny and Ash at my sides. Clutching my phone I called Tony and as usual he always answers.

" Talk to me"

" Gridiron just came to the school and he took Marco and Nick"

" What, are you shitting me?"

" I wish I was, we are leaving right now"

" Has anyone contacted Josiah yet?"

" No but I'm sure Mia-" I paused as Michael ran right past us. My eyebrows furrowed at the speed he was moving, if he could run like that on the field he could easily make the team.

" What do you mean am I sure?! He was in cuffs Josiah!" Mia's voice blurted before fading away. As we walked through the doors and out into the parking lot Mia was pacing back and forth in front of Michael's camaro with her phone pressed against her ear.

" Yeah Mia is talking to Josiah right now"

" Good, I want you to tell her to go home, Milo too"

" What, wait why?"

" There's nothing she can do but complicate things, they have no reason to go down to the station"

" Tony-"

" I don't care what you have to do just do it. I'll meet up with you all later"

He hung up before I could say anything else. Sighing I bit my lip as I looked at the intense worried look on her face. Worried about her brother, worried about her boyfriend. With a frustrated groan she hung up and close her eyes as she dug her hands into the thick curls. In a huff she put her back against the passenger door and let her feet slide until she was sitting on the ground. She didn't open her eyes as sniffle came from her.

" Mia" I said softly as I kneeled in front of her. Vinny hastily sat on the ground next to her. A tear rolled down her cheek as her eyes open, the green, gold orbs shimmered as she stared back at me. 

" I can't sit back and do nothing" she croaked shaking her head.

I released a deep breath and silently thanked Josiah, he must have already told her to go home.

" It's the best option, Tony and Josiah know what to do and how to deal with these cops. It's a delicate situation and there's a certain way things have to be done"

There's too many reasons why the police picked them up today. But right now we had no idea how severe the charges were.

" So what?! I'm just supposed to sit around and wait. I can help-"

" -Mia stop"

" No I can speak on their behalf and-"

" -And what!" I spat frustratedly. " You don't get it, it's not that simple"

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