Fifty One

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"You got it boss" Corey grinned evilly as Daniel said something else and swung his arm around Corey's neck

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"You got it boss" Corey grinned evilly as Daniel said something else and swung his arm around Corey's neck. Laughing they turned back towards the living room. I sighed tiredly as Marco shot me a look and walked away. Daniel and Corey were a few of the top fighters at Gudens, it only made it worse that their minds were twisted. They were planning something and I couldn't help but dread it.

Nick looked back at me, the anger still ablaze in his eyes. " I can't fucking believe you!" 

" Nick I-" I started but was cut off as he grabbed ahold of my arm, yanking me towards him as he turned back towards the living room.

" Nick stop!" I try to yell over the music. I can't tell if he hears me or not as he trudges forward, his strong hand tightens around my upper arm painfully as he pulls me along. Frantically I look around the crowded space for someone, anyone that I can flag down. But the music is too loud, the party is too wild and everyone is enjoying themselves too much to notice.

I stumbled as we head up the stairs and down the curved hallway.

" Nick let go of me!" I bark trying to wrench my arm away again. He pauses as we reach my bedroom door and glares down at me.

" Shut the fuck up" he says coldly and menacingly. With a terrifyingly dark look in his eyes my tongue loses the courage to say anything else. With one swift movement he opens the door and pulls me inside. Slamming the door shut, he flings me against the reenforced hardwood pinning me there and locks both locks.

" When the fuck did you plan on telling me he kissed you?!"

Shakily I look away as I'm filled with a fear I haven't felt in a long time.

" Tell me!!" The door shakes as he punches it.

Do something..

Anything I do is only going to make him angrier. Suddenly he grabs ahold of my jaw, squeezing it as he yanks my face upwards. A crazed wild look dances in his silver eyes as they bore into mine.

" Answer me right now Mia, or I swear I'm going  right back downstairs and kill that motherfucker"

What do I say??

Come on brain give me something..

Nick scoffed as he let go of my face. " So be it" grabbing my upper arm he yanked me away from the door. I stumbled and almost fell to the floor as I heard him unlocking the locks.

" No!" I spun around to face him.

He stopped and looked back at me. " So now you know how to speak"

He stalked over to me, the dark look in his eyes never faltering. " Are you fucking him?"

" No" I say softly unable to hide the obvious tone in my voice.

" Are you in love with him?"

" No"

" Did you want him to kiss you?"

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