One hundred and Six

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      Rolling onto my side I extended my hand to the left side of the side of the bed expecting to feel the smooth skin of Dylan's back or one of his arms. My eyes shot open at the empty space beside me, puzzled my eyebrows came together as I sat up.

" Dylan?" I called out as I spotted the sliver of light coming from underneath our bathroom door. I could hear the sound of running water and though I could easily assume he taking a shower from one of his late night gym runs. Dylan never closed the door to shower, he did it to entice me into joining him. Most of the time it worked but other times I would tease him by touching myself while watching him in the shower. 

It drove him crazy.

Pushing the blanket off I climbed out of bed, pulling the silk nightgown down and striding over to the bathroom. Silently I twisted the knob, pushing the door open. He was shirtless and I could see the bruises along his torso as he leaned over the sink dabbing a bloody cotton ball against his face.

" Dylan what happened?" I asked stepping close to him and gently grabbing ahold of his face. " I thought you were just going to the gym" grabbing a clean cotton ball I gently pressed it against the open cut under his eye. Ugly dark purple bruises lingered on his knuckles before trailing along his tan skin from his left temple to his partially swollen eye then to his jawline. His bottom lip was badly busted with a dried bloody split visible in the soft flesh.

" Don't worry about it babe" he took the cotton ball from my hand, looking away from me. "I got into a little scrap, it's not a big deal "

Crossing my arms, my head tilted to the side as I leaned against the counter to look in his face. " A scrap? About what?"

He glanced at me from the corner of his eye and shrugged nonchalantly " Guy stuff"

   Living with Dylan I quickly caught on to his ticks that subconsciously gave him away everytime. He was the opposite of Kaleb who hesitated for a split second when he lied. Dylan on the other hand had answers immediately, no hesitation what so ever.

No one reacts that fast, unless they're guilty.

" Guy stuff? You're just going to keep lying to me?" I spat impatiently.

Dropping his hand Dylan sighed tiredly looking at me with conflicting emotions filling his eyes. Raising my eyebrows impatiently he chuckled softly gazing at my lips before meeting my eyes again. The sky blue and rich brown of his eyes were like a cosmic ballet of the earths elements.  Gently he rested his hand against my face, softly grazing his rough thumb against my cheek.

" Legkiy" his husky voice hummed softly  allowing a sliver of his Russian accent to seep through. Spending many years with his grandmother there, he claimed he picked up the language and wasn't able to get rid of it.  On occasions I was able to hear it.

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