Sixty Two

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Scrunching my eyebrows together I winced at the pain of my throbbing head. A sudden roar of vibration from my phone rumbled next to my head mimicking the engine of a lawnmower. The waves of nausea and the heaviness of my own head kept me from picking it up so I did the only logical thing and went back to sleep. When I woke up again the sun was and  a grocery bag was sitting on my bed. Lifting up groggily I dug into the bag smiled to myself at all my favorite snacks and bottled water. Eating my fill exhaustion hit me again and once again I fell asleep. The only thing that woke me up was the need to pee.


The NFL football season has started and per usual everyone wants to watch it  here. The problem is that I need to get out of the house and it's because of two very important reasons. A, Nick's Audi is parked in the driveway and I know for sure he's here cause he's louder than everyone else... And B, Corey's jeep is also here, parked in front of the house and though he's not as loud as Nick, his laugh is and I'd recognize it anywhere.

It didn't help that Kaleb kept texting me telling me to stop hiding and come hang out. Everyone seemed to be getting along but I knew if I went downstairs the atmosphere would change and I couldn't blame anyone but myself. Luckily for me I have one super sweet brother, Milo brought me a plate of food and some drinks. He also told me that Nick and Corey were cool now, practically friends.

Under any other circumstances I would have been happy about that. As I ate I tried to ignore the buzzing of my phone but quickly I couldn't resist temptation


Corey- hey

Corey- y r u hiding? U don't want to see me?

My hands tingled as I stared at the text message and instead of responding I left him on read and put my phone down. Like a itch I had to fight the urge not to respond. Putting my plate aside I climbed out of bed and grabbed myself a changed of clothes before tiptoeing out of the door and into the bathroom. Turning on the shower I stripped out of my clothes under the hot stream. Closing my eyes I tried to relax as I lathered my body in the delicious smelling soap but the occasional outburst of laughter and commotion from the floor below kept that from happening. After washing my hair I turned the shower off and stepped out wrapping a towel around my hair and body.

Heading back into my bedroom I towel dried my hair before hanging it over the back of my vanity chair to dry. Loosening the towel around my body I glanced up at my reflection in the full length mirror and froze. My heart pounded in chest not at my natural beauty but at the figure behind me leaning in the doorway of my bedroom. The hauntingly beautiful bright green eyes stared back at me as he stepped in and closed the door behind him.

" Get out" I gritted, tightening the towel around my body.

He said nothing as his eyes wandered my body as if he could see through the towel.

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