Twenty Five

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"Can you believe him?!" I huffed power walking through the cluster fucked hallway dragging Kim along with me

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"Can you believe him?!" I huffed power walking through the cluster fucked hallway dragging Kim along with me.

The assembly ended on a high note with announcements of the cheer and drill team tryouts were starting and the sign up sheet to try out for football was out. Every club was open for new applicants. By the time it was over, it was the seniors lunch hour. I was so hungry that I left Michael and Corey behind.

" Don't you think your overacting?" Kim asked as we headed towards the cafeteria. I shot her a look just as a high pitch giggle was heard down the tunnel like hallway. Nick being.. well Nick had put him on the top of the popularity chain but now that he had announced that he was single to the whole school. He had surpassed celebrity status, his whole crew did. It was obviously supposed to be a joke but I didn't find it funny at all. A frown fell on my face as I watched the dozens of people hovering around Nick and his crew. The giggle had came from a girl in a tiny skirt that Nick had lifted into the air, holding her by her thighs. She grabbed ahold of his head for balance, shoving his face into her breasts. He playfully shook his face against her tits before letting her down. His hands gripped her ass and tugged the skirt for a split second so everyone got a glimpse of her bright blue panties. She staggered leaning against him and he laughed with his friends. Then a dark haired girl placed a sudden kiss on Kaleb's cheek. They were getting whiplash all the girls boldly wanting their attention now.

" No I don't" I gritted through my teeth. Kim tried to pretend that she didn't see it.

She doesn't have a career in acting.

Just as I headed into the cafeteria Nick caught my eye and grinned. The gesture wasn't returned and it took everything fiber in my body not to wrench his neck until his eyes popped out of his skull.

" I knew it would be bad but sheesh" Kim mumbled bitterly. She obviously cared a lot.

" I don't care " I snapped.

" You seem like you care a lot to me" Kim said pointedly as she grabbed her tray. " You can't be mad. I'm sure it's just a stupid joke, everyone knows you two are together" she put a apple on her tray.

I bit my tongue as I lazily tossed my favorites onto my tray.

" So he can be territorial but I can't. He wasn't this bad earlier but suddenly now it's like he's being the biggest asshole on the planet" I put a chicken sandwich and fries on my tray, Kim did the same.

" Ok.. I think I know what's going on. I'm sure he's seen you with Corey, everyone has seen you with Corey. And if you didn't tell me you were just friends, I would have thought he was your boyfriend"

I scoffed rolling my eyes, shaking my head as we headed to the line to pay for our food.

Kim chuckled. " Don't look like that, you two look really good together, so I'm sure Nick feels threatened. So now he wants to make you feel bad"

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