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Nick stared at me for a moment before dropping his gaze. " I don't even how to start. So I'm just going to be honest. I lost my head when Kaleb told me that shit about you and Rodney. I literally went crazy, no exaggeration. Then when you were gone I didn't know what to do with myself. I felt- like empty you know"

I nodded biting into a nugget. " You were depressed"

" Exactly, so I- I started fucking different girls every weekend. Sometimes two or more to try to deal with the empty feeling. And it worked for a while, I was gaining weight. I got a spot on the football team. I was starting to feel like myself again but then Kaleb told me you were coming back. I was just- just happy as shit and pissed the off at the same time " Nick was shaking now as he tried to keep his voice down.

" Then you called Kaleb out on his bullshit and it was like Connor McGregor himself punched me in the fuckin chest. Kaleb was wrong and not only did you lose your dad, you went through literal hell for nothing." Nick balled his fist and punched his steering wheel again and again making the car shake. I quickly grabbed ahold of his arm for him to stop. Nick fought against me for a second before looking down at my hands on him. A tingling sensation traveled through my arms. Sighing he visibly relaxed as I gently I grabbed ahold of his hand to analyze at his knuckles for bruising. I could feel Nick's gaze on me. Gently I rubbed the tattooed x's across his knuckles.

" I'm so sorry Mia" Nick said his voice was raspy and his silver eyes looked on the verge of over flowing. He held onto my hand. " I had so many plans for us, I wanted make you my wife. I never wanted you find out about my family this way. I wanted to protect you from all of it. " he sighed sadly. " I can't even do that right"

I was speechless as I stared at the sadness in his eyes.

" You must hate me even more now, you know everything, it's out in the open"

" I don't hate you" I said softly.

Nick searched my eyes for a lie. " You say that but you what you seen tonight was only a piece of what my family does"

My eyes widened as I stared at him.

" What do you mean?" I asked regretting the question as soon as it was out of my mouth.

Nick licked his lips and sighed. " You already know about the castle so I should go ahead lay out all the cards" he stared at me pausing for a moment. " You've already proven that I can trust you. The castle is what Kaleb's dad Leon is the head of, he has hired goons find beautiful girls or naive dudes to come work for him. But if they find a girl or guy that they think will bring in a lot of money. They'll do a snatch and grab. "

" Like what they did with me?"

Nick nodded solemnly. " My uncle Vito is the head of distribution."

I raised a eyebrow. " Distributing what?"

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