Forty Nine

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" He's going it again" Dom said in a low tone  nudging me and gesturing towards Nick

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" He's going it again" Dom said in a low tone  nudging me and gesturing towards Nick. Just like at assembly he was anxiously waiting for Mia to stride through the doors. That's if she came through when there wasn't a horde of people standing by the exits. It was a big game tonight the Ridgewood Tigers versus the Premburton Bears. It was a prominent school and they thought they were better than us cause their school was bigger but competition after competition provided the facts. Ridgewood was over all better, our athletes were more talented, our teachers were smarter and the students as a whole were more attractive by comparison. They hated us and it was packed tonight a definite split between schools as a sea of purple and gold sat on the left side of the bleachers. Orange and gray sat across from us. Regardless of the happy, excitement on many of the faces it didn't alter the tight clenching feeling in the air. Everyone was waiting for things to escalate. The game had only just started and Milo looked ready to rip his hair out. He probably shouldn't have came.

" Calm down" I huffed, flicking the side of his head. " She'll-"

" -Hey guys!" a voice suddenly yelled. I froze as my gaze fell to Brooklyn waving at us with a smug grin on her face. Wearing skin tight leather pants, she clenched the arm of another guy from our football team. Brooklyn leaned towards Paige saying something low and they both laughed loud before sitting with the rest of their bitch crew and several guys. Suddenly a elbow slammed into my side so hard, nudging me I almost fell right off my seat. Scowling I immediately looked over at Nick. He wore a scowl so deep for a split second I thought he was Tony. I was just glad it wasn't for me. It was directed precisely at Brooklyn. She could actually feel it. Flipping her long dark hair, she looked over at us wearing a expression like she couldn't be bothered.

" What?" She spat angrily with a ugly scowl on her face.

I scoffed and Nick's gaze shifted to me. "Now"

My eyes furrowed together. " I thought you wanted to wait until after the game"

" Fuck that" he huffed and stood to his feet. Dom raised a eyebrow, glancing at me as Nick started over to Brooklyn. We followed as the happy chatter that surrounded Brooklyn ceased. Paige's gaze fell into her lap, Valencia acted as if we weren't even there and Giselle stared at Brooklyn waiting for her to do something.  A uneasy look came across the guys eyes as they tried to look brave. Tried. But the only person here that had the balls to stare back at Nick's glare was Brooklyn. She wore a glare of her own but it was as if trying to compare a lit match to a full blown house fire.


" What do you want? Your ruining the game" she spat.

" Your not even watching the game" I sniffled a laugh.

Her glossy lips twisted in a scowl as she looked at me. " Yes I was if-"

_" what's the score?" Dom asked cutting her off.

The fierceness in her eyes dimmed as she tried not to look at the score board. She had no idea.

" We need to talk" Nick said coldly

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