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Michael hesitated before dragging his feet over to it. A few students stood in front of it but moved once giving Michael a look over.

I looked at him too.

" Dressed to impress?"

He grinned looking back at me. " Like it?"

Reaching up I patted his head. " Corey would be proud"

Michael hesitated as he glanced behind me. " Don't turn around but let's go"

My stomach flipped and I knew from Gudens and bad movies not to question it when someone said that. Running up to the third floor neither of us took a breath until it was clear that we weren't being followed. Michael tried to joke about it but my nerves weren't going to allow that. And I only felt genuinely relieved when I got Michael to his class. I didn't care what anyone said or did to me but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to Michael just because he was my friend...

Luckily for me my locker was also on the third floor. The halls were a lot emptier than the second floor and I smiled to myself seeing my locker placement. Having to pee in between classes is one of the big reasons I was often late to class.

The other is Nick always wanted to make out whenever he seen me in the halls...

Stupid me never said no.

" I'm gonna assume you were busy this morning and that's why you couldn't text back, do you wanna to talk now?"

I sighed tiredly, the voice dripped with sexy Italian slang as it echoed loudly and grew closer.

" Or maybe I didn't want to talk to you at all Nicholas, did you consider that?" I asked mimicking his sarcastic tone. I tossed my gym bag in the locker.

My stomach fluttered as I felt him grow even closer and I spun around to look up in his face. He didn't wear a scowl but his expression was riddled with a look of impatience.

" We have nothing to talk about and I have a class to get to" I went to brush past him when his hand grabbed ahold of my wrist just like at the diner. I glared up at him.

" Mia-"

" Let go of me, right now" I snarled

He didn't. " Why are you acting like this?" he asked softly

Just as the distinctive sound of laughter traveled up the hallway. Many footsteps could be heard, they were coming towards us and Nick let go.

" Hey Nick what do you-" a voice started and Nick stepped away.

It was a few unfamiliar guys. From their broad shoulders and long legs it was obvious they were athletes. One was the dread head from the party. The other was even taller than Nick. Six foot five maybe six. He had pale skin and dark slender eyes with his hair cut low on one side of his head but the other side it hung past his ear.

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