Seventy Three

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This chapter is dedicated to    MissLynneWrites so freaking sweet and supportive. Without your votes and comments I don't think I would been this determined to finish this story.

" God damn who is that?"  Trent asked excitedly as he grinned wildly. With a scowl on her face Mia looked at the many faces before spouting something to Daniel. He gestured for her to come further inside while he stepped outside. Several more thirsty gazes landed on her, no one even seemed to care about the pizza.

" Is she new? " Ricky grinned greedily. " I've never seen her around before"

" Fuck off bro that's all me" Trent said defensively before standing to his feet.

" Hey beautiful, you remember me?" Monty grinned mischievously as he stepped in front of her. Instinctively my jaw clenched and before I realized it I was on my feet walking over them just as Mia stepped backwards away from him.

" Unfortunately" she spat, glaring up at him.

Her ass brushed against me for a second before she turned around. My heart hammered at a speed that it actually hurt and the gray clouds that hung overhead seemed to vanish as she smiled wide up at me.

" Kaleb!"

Without hesitation Mia wrapped her arms around my waist in a hug. A comforting warmth filled me as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders. I almost forgot where were until I caught the smug expression from Monty. .

" So your fucking the best friend now? I knew you were a easy fuck"

Hastily Mia pulled away from me as she faced him again

" Get the fuck away from me before you get hurt again" Mia spat bitterly

Monty chuckled. " What's wrong babe? Is Nicholas not fucking you enough? There's more than enough dick in here to satisfy your needs" The guys howled in laughter and encouraging hoots erupted as Monty reached out cheekily to touch her. Before I realized what was happening Mia slapped his hand away with one hand while simultaneously smacking him across the face with the other.

" I've been wanting to do that for a while now"

Monty paused with a stunned expression on his face for a moment before it twisted in rage. The room shook from the boisterous laughter as everyone looked on.

" You fuckin bitch" Monty spat angrily and went to grab her. Hastily I wrapped my arms around her waist lifting her off the ground. Spinning on my heel i quickly placed her behind me.

" Kaleb!" Mia barked in protest like I was really going to sit back and let Monty do anything to her.

" Oh ho ho now I know you guys aren't fighting" A voice called. My gazed stayed on Monty. Danny stepped alongside of me and grinned as he pieced together the scenario.

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