Twenty Eight

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It took 3 hours

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It took 3 hours.

But we did it, we kept Nick from going to the cages after school. It was really thanks to Mike. He invited us over to hang out. Nick eagerly accepted. He wanted all the information on Corey he could get. Honestly so did I..

. Mike had a entertainment room that was equipped with everything. From ski hockey to a open bar. The massive tv had the newest sports station on his tv so that's what Dom and I settled on parking in front of.

" Alright! You ugly bitches you guys want a Italian sub, a two foot Philly cheese steak and a three foot party sub heavy with vinegar?" Mike barked holding the phone to his ear.

" Yeah and a coke" Nick added throwing a chip in his mouth.

" Coke huh, yeah you look like you snort" Corey spat bitterly rolling his eyes.

" What the fuck you say bitch?" Nick barked angrily, getting up from the recliner.

" Shut upp" I groaned frustratedly as Dom and Marco yelled" Stop!"

" We know you mother fuckers don't like each other but grow up. We're all trying to chill" I said tiredly, slouching into the soft couch.

" He started it" Nick huffed flopping back into the seat.

" Keep it up, I'm gonna call Mia and tell her you got violent diarrhea and your not gonna be able to take her out tonight" I said spitefully.

Nick narrowed his eyes. " You wouldn't"

" Try me" I challenged cheekily, Marco chuckled.

" Why do you keep wanting to fight Nick, Corey. You got a death wish or some kind of a pain fetish?" Dom asked knocking his knee against mine.

Corey scoffed. " Hardly, pretty boy here isn't a threat to me. I'm a fighter and I've been training for years so I can go start higher raking matches once was I graduate." he mused proudly before his gaze snapped back to Nick.

" But you, Mia has told me all about your sorry ass. I don't know why she's with your again. Clearly you need your ass beat to get your act together. Since my boy Michael won't then I gladly will"

Nick leaned forward on his elbows. " I'd like to see you try" he smirked arrogantly.

" No, cut it out" I said coldly put a foot on the table in front of Nick. " Stop feeding into his bullshit"

"Alright if you guys are done fighting with your dicks, food is here" Mike said loudly as he sat the takeout on the table in front of us. Eagerly we all dug into the sandwiches and Mia's voice rang through my head.

Food makes everything better..

She was right, munching on the party sub, I looked up to see Nick and Corey in a heated agreement about a play that happened on the wide screen.

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