Forty Three

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What?!" Nick spat angrily, he spun around running out of the room

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What?!" Nick spat angrily, he spun around running out of the room. We all ran behind him and up the steps to the first floor. The club had already emptied out making it easier to run out of the glass doors. The dark clouds looked almost black as the strong wind threatened to throw us back into the building. The siren was terrifying as it echoed loudly, joining in with the sounds of many emergency vehicles.

" Mia!" Corey barked as a struggle could be heard on the other end of the phone.

" Corey don't!" Mike argued.

" Get the fuck off me!"

A loud slam sounded before the call ended and I followed Nick to his Audi. Dom climbed into his truck and Jake got into his Chevelle. Without a chance to buckle up, Nick recklessly whipped the Audi out of the parking lot and into the bussiling street. Narrowing missing a minivan, I hastily pulled the seat belt across me and glanced in the mirror. Dom unsurprisingly was doing a lot better keeping up with us than Jake. Even half sleep and in the panic filled roads he was worried about his prestige Chevelle. I silently watched as Nick clenched the steering with a intenseness in his eyes that I knew if I said anything and broke his focus. We'd die.
Suddenly I watched Jake jumped into the lane next to ours sped up and squeeze into the tight space between Nick and the next car. Nick's eyebrows furrowed together and his face twisted in a scowl.

" What the fuck is he doing?" He spat bitterly.

Frowning I had no idea as Jake turned on his right turn signal like he wanted us to get off the highway. My phone then started to ring, though I was hoping to see that it was Mia I knew it wasn't. After all there was only one person that had dark Vader's voice telling me it was my father as their ringtone. Quickly I answered and put it on speaker.

"Kaleb, are you and Nick okay?" He asked calmly.

I bit my tongue at my dad's tone. The entire city was panicking and here he was not worried about a thing.

" Yeah, -"

" We're fine Leon!" Nick barked impatiently

" Nicholas follow your friend Jake"

" No, I have to get to Mia"

" Nicholas-"

" No!" He slammed his palm against the steering wheel. " I'm not going any fuckin where until I know my girl is safe!"

And alive..

" I'm with Nick" I nodded. I owed Mia nothing but I owed Nick my life and we were family.

" Kaleb Giulio Amato! Nicholas Carmine Lombardi! You both will fuckin listen to me right now! What are you going to do when you get there?! Your not firemen, you two aren't going to do anything but get yourselves killed " My dad barked. His words were halting and it was incredibly rare to hear my dad curse or yell. Nick and I glanced at each other as if thinking the same thing. We grew silent.

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