Forty Eight

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" Calm down your making me dizzy" Milo mumbled dipping his chip into some dip

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" Calm down your making me dizzy" Milo mumbled dipping his chip into some dip. Pausing my sporadic race around our new wide kitchen I sighed sadly as I looked at my brother. A inevitable sadness filled his eyes as he gazed out the window looking into the backyard. The guys were out back tossing the football back and forth. They were feeling especially confident coming back from the barbershop and wanted to practice a little. Football season was creeping up and they intended on having another winning streak. Even though football wasn't Milo's sport. He obviously felt left out.

" Aww Milo" I cooed as I walked around the island and wrapped my arms around his waist and patted his back. " It's okay, you'll heal and be back to playing basketball in no time"

He half hearted returned my hug and sighed. " It's not just that Mia, it's the first game of the season. I'm co-captain and I'm not even playing.. that looks so bad. Acadia-U is definitely going to retract their scholarship "

I frowned pulling away and looking up at him. " You really love basketball don't you?"

He looked away from me. " It's the only thing I'm good at"

" What? That's a lie"- I looked up as the guys came clambering through the doors laughing and talking loud ass hell. With no consideration for how neatly I sat the snacks on the island. They arrogantly snatched what they wanted and raided the fridge for drinks.  Quickly they headed towards the living room. A hand suddenly smacked my ass hard and I yelped, flinching and glared back at Nick. The guys laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. Nick grinned knowingly and puckered his lips together blowing me kiss before following the guys into the living room. Rolling my eyes I turned back towards Milo.

" You know it's a lie and if dad were here he would smack you upside your head." I said pointedly as he let out a laugh.

" And I have something to tell you that might make you happy" I said coyly hip bumping him.

" What?"

''Kimberly has a crush on you, I told her I'd set you two up on a date"

Milo's eyes widened. " Kimberly, as if Kaleb's ex. Likes me?"

I smiled. " She thinks you're very handsome"

He furrowed his eyebrows together." Your not messing with me are you?"

" Do I look like Marco to you?"

Milo hesitated and rose his eyebrows. " Well actually-"

" -Don't you dare!" I spat playfully pointing a finger in his face. He laughed just as the doorbell echoed loudly. My smile widened even more and my heart beat frantically. I hurried through the living room. Marco was standing like he was going to get it.

" Sit your ugly ass down, I got it" I barked and laughed at the look on his face. A pillow flew towards my head, swiftly dodging it I laughed as I stepped into the foyer

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