Sixty Seven

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Sorry 🙏 I've taken soo long to upload but I was bedridden with food poisoning .. I thought I was on deaths door ☠️ but nope the universe wants me to continue living for some reason 🤔.

So here I am.



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Worst sleep of my life.

No matter how hard I tried, whenever I shut my eyes I seen her face, smelled the sweet scent of the shampoo she uses and I could almost feel the curves of her body pressed against mine. Like she was right here.

But it'll never happen.

By the time I feel asleep my alarm was set to go off in a few hours. Groaning I rolled over and the annoying beeping sound echoed loudly as it bounced off the high ceiling. Groggily I reached over to the side table and snatched my phone, simultaneously yanking the charger out of the outlet. Wincing at the brightness I turned my alarm off then lazily sat up rubbing my eyes.

Heading into the bathroom I splashed water onto my face then began brushing my teeth as I stared back at my tired reflection. I looked as tired as I felt. Suddenly I remembered that I needed to check the security cameras of the west side warehouse. With the tooth brush hanging out of my mouth I turned to head back into my room.

" Shit" I muttered, flinching as my heart pounded frantically and I looked back at Nick standing in the doorway of my bathroom.

He chuckled proudly.

" Stop doing that" I scolded. " I need to get you a fucking bell to wear around your neck. Your worse than a damn cat" spitting out the toothpaste into the sink, I rinsed my toothbrush before putting it back.

" You need to be more aware of your surroundings" he mused stepping back to let me out of the bathroom.

" I could say the same to you" I rolled my eyes, as I sat on my bed and grabbed my emergency phone then quickly booted up the cameras footage from last night.

" That's not funny"

" I wasn't joking" I glanced up at him. " What do you want anyway?"

" I was going make small talk but fuck it. You were at the Langley's last night. So I have to know, was Mia worried about me at all?"

The camera's were void of any disturbance and only the motion censors picked up anything. A drunk vomited in front of the warehouse before staggering into the street. Cats have been knocking over trashcans in the alley.

" Bro what the fuck, did you not hear me?"

Sighing frustratedly I looked at him. " I heard you and I ignored you because it's too early to ask me dumb ass questions"

" What's wrong with you? Are you on your period or something. Yes or no" Nick spat bitterly

" Yes, you dumb fuck she loves you for some reason"

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