Sixty Eight

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" What do you mean she's already used her phone call?! She's my sister I have to talk to her!" Josiah blurted angrily

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" What do you mean she's already used her phone call?! She's my sister I have to talk to her!" Josiah blurted angrily.

" Sir I understand you are upset but when once we are finished inputting your sister's information someone will be out to speak with you" the plump woman said sternly from behind the desk before gathering several papers and walking further into the room behind her.

" Are you fucking serious?!" Marco spat angrily before snorting rolling his eyes. " Fat bitch" he muttered.

In a swift movement Josiah smacked the side of Marco's head getting a glare and frustrated growl from him.

Nick shook his head letting out a breath, hooking his hands behind his head as he paced back and forth. Milo shot Marco a look before hurrying to the desk.

" Hey? Excuse me" he called out politely.

The woman slowly walked back into view.

" I told you all we are very busy-"

Milo held up a hand, courteously. -" I know I apologize, but could you tell us who she did call?"

With a soft smile the woman sighed, shaking her head. " Sorry sweetheart, but I can see if anyone is available to talk to you now"

Milo nodded eagerly. " We would really appreciate it, thank you"

The woman vanished again and Milo sighed stepping back. Marco raised a eyebrow looking at him.

" How'd you do that?"

" Do what?"

" Make her change her attitude like that." Marco smirked. " It was pretty slick"

Josiah chuckled nodding. " Very nice"

Milo shrugged nonchalantly. " Have you ever heard the saying you can catch more flies with honey than you can with shit?"

" No" Marco scoffed.

I chuckled as Milo stared back at his brother and blinked slowly. " You know.. that actually explains a lot"

" Yeah, I don't think that's even true" Nick said skeptically

" It's a half truth" I shrugged, fighting a cheeky grin.

" Mia's attracted to Nick and he's a big pile of shit so some flies prefer shit" a voice echoed loudly and we turned as Corey walked over, passing the reception area. Josiah, Marco and I laughed as Nick visibly fought a sneer before grinning.

" What are you doing here?" I asked

He shrugged. " Here to help if I can. It took a while to get here since I figured we would need reinforcements" he gestured towards the reception area where a stunning pretty older woman was speaking to the police on duty.

" You brought your sister?"

Corey gave me a deadpan look. " I don't have any sisters that's my mom"

" That's your mom?" Nick asked in disbelief before nudging Marco. " Bro, check out Corey's mom"

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