Thirty Six

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Worst sleep of my life

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Worst sleep of my life. I don't know if it was because of the way Kaleb looked at me before he left. Or the fact my body betrays me at the mere thought of Nick. Or the fact that Amber's advice was to kiss Corey to give Nick a taste of his own medicine. Once I rejected that idea she said to make him sweat. That was her answer to everything Amber was smart in everything except the advice department.. but she had a point I couldn't lay in bed and mope. It's not what I would do at Gudens. Nick made me weak and sensitive. I pushed the tempting thoughts that told me to sleep all day to the back of my mind. It was nearing the time for me to get up. Rolling onto my back I sighed rubbing my eyes as my phone buzzed against my nightstand.

I sighed staring at my ceiling.

" Don't do it" I told myself

It vibrated again.

" You know exactly who that is" I said softly peering over at the pale green case.

It buzzed two more times.

" Damnit" I cursed as I reached over, taking it off the charger and unlocked it.

CoreyH- good morning sunshine

CoreyH- get up Mia

CoreyH- I hope you aren't planning on skipping again today

CoreyH- if you don't want to drive today, I'm down to come pick you up

Me- u just want to see where I live

CoreyH- that too  but I think we need to clear the air

Me- u want to tell me you hate me to my face.

CoreyH- I could never hate you

A smile tugged at my lips but faltered as I thought of Nick.

Me- I'm driving, I'll see you later

Putting my phone down, I pushed my hair back before getting out of bed. I hesitated and grabbed phone connecting it to the speaker and played In This Moment, big bad wolf and turnt it up loud. Dancing over to my closet I searched for something sweat worthy before tossing it onto my unmade bed and skipping into the bathroom.

I couldn't explain it today felt really good.

It scared me but only a little bit.


After getting dressed and making myself a breakfast that was too big for one person, I shoveled it into my mouth. Put the dishes into the dish washer and hurried to the front door, I snatched the keys to the hummer and ran out the front door, slamming and locking it behind me. With Black Pink blaring through the speakers. Breathing felt a little easier.

Parking the big SUV I couldn't help but look for  Nick's Audi as I strode up to the school. He wasn't here and I was running late. Stepping inside the school you could feel a immediate change in the air, and I could only assume Kaleb wasn't here either. The outcasts weren't hiding or avoiding the jocks when they passed by. No one was being tripped, thrown into a trashcan and no papers clumsily flew from hands. 

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