Thirty Three

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    Corey finally gave me my phone after I refused again to dig in his pants to get it

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    Corey finally gave me my phone after I refused again to dig in his pants to get it. But he still kept his word and we had the delicious soul food from Grandma's. I greedily ate while trying not to laugh at Corey's immature jokes.

"Miaaa" Alex said in a sing song as he walked up to me, a empty plate in his hands. A wide smile spread across his little face.

" Did you make a happy plate?" I asked

" Yes, cookie" he held out his hand.

" Hell no" Corey barked. " That's not how you ask"

I giggled as Alex stuck his tongue out.

" It's ok" I excused, handing him one of the chocolate chip cookies that came as dessert with our meal. "

" Thank you!" He flashed me a another smile before running to sit in front of the tv again.

Corey shook his head at me as I gathered our trash from the table.

" What?" I smiled

" Your too damn nice" Corey said as I threw the trash away. Turning around, I crashed right into him.

" Corey, at least move if your gonna help" I said trying to brush past him. He side stepped blocking my way, he had that look in his eyes again.

" What are you really doing with that Nate dude Mia. How much do you even know about the Lombardi's?"

" Corey, don't start" I warned " and his name is Nick"

" I don't give a fuck, they're dangerous" he growled lowly.

" So are we" I gritted angrily. " I can take care of myself"

" That's not the point!" he blurted

I gasped, flinching at the sudden loud banging at the front door. A hushed silence fell over the apartment as I stared at the door.

" Expecting anyone?" I asked softly

" No"

" Michael?"

" He would call first"

" Your brother?"

" He has a key" he said in a obvious tone as whoever it was banged on the door again.

" Alex go to my room"  Corey said hastily. He gently grabbed ahold of Alex's hand and guided him towards his room.

" Can I watch SponBob on your tv?"

" I don't care just don't come out until I tell you to" 

Dragging his feet, Alex headed to Corey's room and closed the door. I peered through the blinds as Corey looked through the peephole. My stomach clenched as I spotted a familiar car in the parking lot.

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