Thirty Four

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It wasn't all bad

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It wasn't all bad. I had Josiah's Nissan and I could walk from Mia's to Dom's then ride with him to Landon's park. Pressing a button on the fob, the headlights of the sleek white Nissan flashed. Climbing into the driver seat I growled at the cramped position. My nostrils were bombarded by the conflicting smells of Josiah's over priced cologne and Mia's unexplainable sweet scent. Tossing Mia's things into the passenger seat  I then sent Nick a text to let him know what was happening then adjusted the seat for my legs before starting the car. Corey didn't live far from Front street. I knew how to get to Mia's from there. My phone buzzed again as I drove in with the local radio station playing.

: There is still no break in the shoot out case that happened just a few days ago. Investigators are asking that if anyone has any information"-

Sighing I turned off the radio. No one would speak up, though no one would admit it. But they knew. They knew who really had control of DyverCity and because of that, no one would say a word. Six people died that night.. Those people shouldn't have been trying to steal from us... They shouldn't have shot Savino.. killed Jeff.. Everyone would be alive if they just stayed out of Ghidorah's way.

. I watched the mirrors as I neared Mia's house. You could never be too cautious and Nick would never forgive me if I led some enemies of ours to Mia. Mia wasn't guarded that alone made her a easy target regardless of any skill she got from Gudens. She was one woman. The lights inside the house were off as I pulled into the driveway and turned off the engine before checking my phone. 

CuzzoNicky- I told Mia you were coming, just knock on the door and leave it outside.

CuzzoNicky- she's in a mood  so it's best to not give her something else to get pissed about

Like you kissing Brooklyn.

Sighing I quickly responded then got out taking the keys. Walking up the stairs, a tv could be heard and I sat her purse on the porch with the keys inside. Rapping my knuckles against the hard wood I froze as the door suddenly swung open. I gazed down at Mia, her curly hair was pulled up, hickies were on display along her skin. I didn't know what she was wearing but it was like a shirt and shorts with buttons going down the front. It hung off one of her shoulders and her tits were practically out and the shorts of her outfit.. all of it was too fucking sexy... She gazed up at me tiredly.

How long have I been standing here?

What Kaleb?"

" I uh"  I chuckled at myself. " I just lost my train of thought"

Mia raised a eyebrow quizzically. " Uh huh, you brought my stuff "

Before I could answer she stepped close to me and picked up her bag. I could see down her outfit and Nick's stupidity was even more apparent. Taking her bag back inside of the house she stopped in the doorway, looking back at me.

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