Seventy Eight

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I should have been at the party, drinking, dancing having the time of my life with my friends and people I haven't seen in years. But as everyone left for the party, I couldn't make myself go.

So I decided to do the thing I could do at Gudens that never failed to make me feel better.

My heart pounded as I walked up the metal steps to the rooftop of the old academic building. I couldn't be sure if the stains permanently embedded in the old, chipping metal were paint or not. It looked like rust but it could have easily been blood..

Pushing the thought to the back of my mind I released a deep breath as I pushed open the heavy metal door. The loose hanging chain jiggled as it closed behind me. Closing my eyes I inhaled deeply as the wind whipped my hair around my face. With a smile on my face I opened my eyes and stared up at the dark sky. No stars could be seen tonight as thick dark clouds hung from above, a storm was coming and everyone who wasn't partying at the warehouse was settling in. Walking along the rooftop I headed over to the ledge to take my usual seat. I couldn't do this at home without my brothers thinking was definitely wrong with me.

More than they already do.

Sitting on the concrete slab I let my legs dangle over the edge. I pulled the expertly rolled blunt and lighter from my pocket. Bringing it to my lips I lit it and inhaled deeply. The strong smoke filled my lungs as a soothing heat crawled through me. Exhaling I smiled to myself as I looked at the blunt in my hand.


Who would have thought you and I would be friends. That's if you could even call us friends at this point.. I've found myself relishing the memory of how his tongue tasted and how incredible of a kisser he is.. I've thought about it more times than I'm willing to admit to myself.

As good as it was.. it can't ever happen again.

My private thoughts were halted as I heard the distinctive loud creek of the metal door opening. Thunder boomed overhead and I gazed up at the sky waiting in anticipation for the drops to fall.

" What are you doing up here babe? It's going to start raining soon"

Bringing the blunt to my lips, I inhaled again as I looked over at Nick. In the sunlight or moonlight his eyes were always unnervingly mesmerizing.

I gestured towards the sky. "That's why, I'm here, I'm waiting for the storm" I exhaled

One of eyebrows rose as he chuckled. " You want to sit in the rain?"

I nodded. " It's very relaxing"

He frowned. " I'll take your word for it" putting his palms down he leaned against the ledge and stared out towards the camp grounds. The heat radiated from him as his delicious scent mixed perfectly with the smell of rain that hung in the air. Silence fell between us and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed of my guilty release. Whenever I felt bad about anything, rain water always seemed to wash away the guilt that consumed me. Coming back to Gudens I did start to feel like myself again but once I seen that he was here.. it was like that part of myself went into hiding.

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