Ninety One

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             " "You've met Josiah already?" I asked hesitantly as we cautiously picked our seats. Raul's seat was between the two other older men forcing us to sit next to a stranger. The guy closest to me was one of the young ones and he almost immediately stood from his seat. He was tall, lean with butter tan skin and dark eyes and thick wavy locks that tickled the tips of his ears.

" You can sit here" his voice was deep with a heavy brazilian accent. With a grin he pulled out the seat next to his. Quickly I glanced back at Josiah who didn't even seem to notice. With no objections I sat down, allowing him to push my seat in before sitting next to me.

He smiled contently as everyone started talking amongst each other. " I'm Andre"

" Are you my cousin or something?"

His eyes widened as he chuckled revealing a dashing smile. " Oh no, " he gestured towards the man at Raul's right side. " My pai is Raul's uh" his thick eyebrows furrowed together as he tried to find the right word. " As Americans say, second in command? You and I are no blood relation"

I nodded understanding as he gestured towards the other guy around our age. His skin tone was closer to Corey's but darker and his thick hair was parted in two french braids flowing down his back.

" This is my cousin Matteo"

Matteo nodded a hello before turning his attention back to Milo who was rambling about DyverCity. Matteo didn't really seem to understand exactly what Milo was talking about. I feel as though he just appreciated having someone to speak to since Marco seemed to completely shut down at the news. He was just staring at the tablecloth with his eyebrows furrowed together. Andre began to tell me about his home town and as he spoke I was sure I was starting to look like Matteo. 


                                  It didn't help that Andre continuously stole glances at my cleavage or whenever I shifted in my seat his eyes would fall to my thighs.

" You are very beautiful, if you live in Brazil the men would never leave you alone" Andre grinned mischievously.

Sighing I shrugged as our dishes of perfectly sauteed chicken, rice and leafy green were placed in front of us. It was still streaming and the overwhelming smell made my stomach growl.

" I don't have to be in Brazil to have that problem"

I dropped his gaze as he furrowed his eyebrows together. " The men here don't leave you alone?"

" No, especially ex boyfriend's" I said pointedly as I cut up my chicken into bite size pieces.

" Ah yes you are seeing Anthony's boy Nikolai?" Raul asked gestured towards me.

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