One hundred and Two

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     Dylan met me outside of the large house as liquor bottles and beer cans littered the front yard

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Dylan met me outside of the large house as liquor bottles and beer cans littered the front yard. Rolling my eyes I ignored the hoots of praise from Dylan's roommates as their eyes boldly raked all over my body. After Dylan's words on the phone I was feeling especially confident and I actually saw the bright side of Kaleb's words. They were leaving and though it hurt, it resembled the hurt of taking off handcuffs that were too tight.

To celebrate I wore something exceptionally sexy, it was a two piece dress that wrapped around my body tightly while only being held together with a tie behind my neck with nothing underneath. Quickly, I left Dylan with his ogling friends and found Amber with Yasmin and joined them in taking several shots. After one too many the music itself began to pull me to the dance floor.

Inhaling, I smiled throwing my hands in the air and I let the rhythm of the music move me. With the alcohol coarsing through my veins I felt weightless and I couldn't help but feel sexy in my tight skirt with the neon lights swirling around me.

I felt.. happy and free.

A heat rose within in me and I couldn't be sure if it was hallucinating or not until I felt a pair of hands on my hips. Tossing my hair back I looked up and expected to see a pair of silver eyes staring back at me. The handsome chiseled looks I gazed at didn't belong to Nicholas Lombardi. A silver hoop sat on a dark eyebrow above a mesmerizing sky blue eye. The other eye a rich chocolate brown, I knew this face.

" Dylan" I smiled

" Hi" he gave a lazy grin as he pulled me closer, I relaxed as the heat radiated off of his body. He was so sexy, so strong, so smart, so sweet. Being close to him awoken strong urges within me. Normally I could ignore the ache wherever I looked at him.

But not tonight.

Tonight I was free and the fire I felt in my chest when he was near was unexplainable. The fire demanded what it was craving. Nothing stood in my way this time I could do whatever I wanted.

I wanted Dylan Peters.

I giggled. " Hi" I wrapped a hand around the back of his neck. Twirling myself against him, I lost myself in the music again and I rocked my hips as he fell into the rhythm with me. I almost didn't notice my skirt rising until I felt it. His hard dick pressing into me through his jeans. Spinning around I looked up at him, without a word, and with two fingers I stroked the front of his jeans. The party was too crowded, too loud for anyone to notice. I didn't give enough shits to care if they did notice. I trailed my fingers down his length and back up again. It felt long and insanely thick.

" That's impressive, you know how to use it?" I teased, smiling up at him.

A sexy half smile spread across his face as he leaned down. " I would say yes but I think you'd only believe me if you found out for yourself"

Before I could say anything he slammed his lips onto mine. His arms tight around my waist pulling me against him and my arms instinctively curled around his neck. His lips were soft, hot and it's not until I let his tongue inside that I tasted the bitterness of the beer and the sweetness of sweet grapes on his tongue. I exhale, melting into him, the heat in my chest intensified as the floor beneath our feet seemed to vanish. The noise seemed to null and all I could hear, taste, see, and feel was Dylan Peters.

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