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" So what are we doing again? You said you didn't get tickets for this" Kim asked as she sipped on her red slushie

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" So what are we doing again? You said you didn't get tickets for this" Kim asked as she sipped on her red slushie.

" I told you we need to get the Jags to start a fight" I said lowly leaning towards her.

" With Mia?" She asked pointedly.

I nodded.

" Do you guys at least tell her?" She asked accusingly.

I hesitated looking over at Nick. He was typing on his phone then showed something to Dom. Everyone but Marco and Milo had came. We didn't want look like we intentionally came to start problems. So we had only half our crew which was like half the football team. That was plenty. The Jags weren't the threat they thought they were. But they'd rush us if they got the opportunity.

" No we didn't tell her but it'll work better this way"

Kim shook her head. " It'll backfire"

I shrugged. " Doesn't every plan, ever thought of have a chance of backfiring"

A smile spread across her glossy lips as she tossed her hair. " Shut up"

I smiled. Just as Nick nudged me.

" Nine o'clock downstairs" he said lowly

Instinctively I looked off the balcony to the floor beneath us and in the direction of the entrance. Hoots and cheers could be heard as a hoard of rowdy people wearing blue and white clambered through the doors. They got attention from by standers but it was short lived. Teenagers coming into the Amex wasn't a out of place sight and it was packed tonight so no one gave them a second glance. The Amex was massive, almost as big as the Great Mall in the central district of the city. It had everything, at the bottom floor was there was food vendors, restaurants, bars and the arcade. The second floor was where the actual theater and VIP section was at. Security already looked overwhelmed with the chaos scattered throughout the building.

Now was the perfect opportunity but if we waited too long they'd come up to the second floor.

That's what we didn't want. If they were up here wanting to fight it would be twice as hard for us to leave. Security would catch us fast as hell.

" Mia just got here" Nick said happily and my stomach clenched. My mind raced as I suddenly began to have second thoughts.

" Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked

Nick wore a confused expression then grinned. " I know the legendary ice tiger isn't chickening out" he taunted and I snorted.

" Hardly but it's crowded as hell in here you might be the only one able to get a swing in"

Nick looked pleased. " Good cause I want to be the one to crack Monty's fucking face open"

The guys hooted giving high fives to Nick and I smirked glancing back down the balcony. All of their team wore the varsity jackets and they're tag alongs wore outfits in the school colors. Their cheerleaders didn't wear their uniforms but they did all wear tiny skirts and dresses. I was sure I seen panties a few times now. Because of their attitudes a lot of the crowd had dispersed either into restaurants or else where. The team had chosen to sit at the tables in the open sitting space. Wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans I glanced at Kim. She gave me a skeptical look.

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