Eighty Six

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           Clenching my hands at my sides did nothing to wipe the look on Nicholas's face at the back of my mind. I've seen him angry, livid, I've seen him on the verge of tears but seeing them together was something.. dark. Evil almost. I know he's hurting especially with the buzz around his family, there was no proof, it was just a rumor from a anonymous source. But even for a rumor it was huge and now walking into the cafeteria I could see it Ridgewood High's social groups made a definite split.

Everyone has picked a side.

Even Kaleb.. a smile stretched across my face as I walked over to a table on the far left side of the room.

" Well this is a odd sight" I stated looking at the faces at the table. Michael had his arm  around Bri as he talked with Kaleb. Marco was hunched over his food protectively as he shoveled it into his mouth. Kimberly was on her phone, leaning against Milo, who was stealing from her tray. Corey was slouched contently as he talked with someone at another table. Kaleb immediately knew I was there and pushed out a chair for me to sit next to him.

" Are you okay with me being here?" Bri asked cautiously as I sat across from her.

I shrugged. " If I didn't want you here I would have told you to leave, it's okay. After all I owe you a thank you" I grinned slyly before biting into a crisp red apple.

Bri returned the sly grin. " It's not a big deal, I was tired of it" she gestured around the room. " Some people here don't know when something is blantly wrong"

" Or they just choose to ignore it" Milo interjected. " Dom knows what Nick did was wrong but he said and I quote, I don't want Nick as a enemy"

Kaleb chuckled and Marco scoffed loudly. " Dom's too big to be that much of a pussy. Nick may be crazy but he's human. Nothing to be scared of"

Kaleb scowled at Milo and Marco making a inaudible sound. " Can we not mention the N word?" He gestured towards me before meeting my gaze. " Are you okay?"

Dropping his gaze I nodded as my eyes shifted to the apple in my hand. My fingertips had dented the apple skin, piercing it open where the pale flesh laid beneath.

" Your making apple sauce?" Michael teased softly and just as I started to meet his gaze my eyes snapped onto the dried blood on the back of my hand.

Brooklyn's blood.

Looking up I stared back at Bri, who took notice as well.

" How is she?"

" Overall she's fine the nurse says she needs stitches so she has to go to the hospital and she won't be back today"

" Stitches? Who needs stitches?" Milo asked hesitantly

Michael gave me a knowing grin before casting a glance at Corey.

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