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My breath caught in my throat as I bravely gazed up in his silver eyes

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My breath caught in my throat as I bravely gazed up in his silver eyes. My heart pounded so frantically I could practically feel it slamming itself against my ribcage.

" What are you doing here?"

"I was invited and you know I had to come see you as soon as I heard you were coming back" Nick smiled. " And I know you well enough that you weren't going to come to me"

Me and my predictability..

" Why would I? You've already said every fucked up thing you could probably think of to -"

" And it was justified!" Nick barked angrily, pointing a finger in my face.

Boom and there it was the infamous Lombardi temper veering it's ugly head in less than 60 seconds.

A sharp pain traveled up the side of my face as a muscle twitched against my temple. With my fingertips I attempted to massage the pain away.

" No it wasn't" I said tiredly

" Yes it was! You ran out to go fuck Rodney and had the audacity to lie to my fuckin face when my own best friend seen you!"

I sighed frustratedly.

" He seen what?!" I yelled, dropping my hand and glaring up into his face. " Me and Rodney left the party where motherfuckers were running around breaking shit and tweakin like junkies! We just sat on the back porch of his house, smoked weed and talked"

" Liar!" Nick roared punching the paneling of the house, next to the door.

Kaleb chuckled, a proud look on his face. " Told you she wouldn't admit it. Bro you came here for nothing "

Scoffing, I spun on my heel and walked around the table to where Kaleb was and sneered " Shut the fuck up! You didn't even see shit"

" I seen what I needed to see you hightailed it out of there with Rodney" Kaleb snorted rolling his eyes.

" And.. what else?" I egged on crossing my arms.

" What?"

"What else did you see? Did you see us fucking? Hear it? Anything? Did you see us even kiss?" I asked Kaleb had a similar build to Nick. He had bulked up too but was leaner. It didn't make me scared though. I was too pissed off to be scared. I stared down into Kaleb's face, his ice blue eyes stared back at me.

Smirking I walked away from him and headed in Nick's direction.

But I kept my distance.

Nick's aura had a gravitational pull of sorts. I'll be damned if I let myself get pulled into it .

" And you believed him " I scoffed. " No other information was needed"

" It wasn't needed" he scowled

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