Thirty Seven

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It took longer than necessary but eventually everyone had there teams. I  knew my team had this in the bag but if any team was going to give us a challenge. It was going to be Nick's team, they had everything. Jake was fast on his feet, Dominic was as a tank in human form. Kaleb, a asshole but smart ass hell and Nick was ruthless, he'd show mercy to no one.
After taking a group photo and sending it to Amber we changed into the scratchy uniforms and grouped together again. The woman went over the rules again as we were handed our helmets and paintball guns. I was too excited to intently listen.

" Alright everybody you have ten minutes to go hide or get into position, a horn will sound when time is up" 

Corey tapped my shoulder and gestured for me and Michael to followed. We ran together far into the grounds where the trees grouped tightly together.

" Why. Are we. Going so far?" Michael asked panting.

" You want to get shot in the back? Do you?!" Corey barked, Michael's eyebrows furrowed. 

" Calm your nuts G.I Joe" I giggled as we slowed to a stop. A loud horn sounded and I bounced excitedly.

" Mia shhh" Corey urged as we crouched behind a thick bush.

" Sorry, I'm so excited!"

Corey grinned "Me too, I'm going to shoot your boyfriend, by the way"

" Get in line" I spat

" I thought you'd want to shoot Kaleb or even Jake" Michael whispered peering around.

" You can shoot Kaleb, Nick is mine"

" You two haven't made up yet?"

" Since when don't you want to kill Kaleb?" Corey asked

I sighed frustratedly. " Kaleb told me that he seen Nick making out with Brooklyn yesterday. Then Nick really tried to kiss me like it wasn't a big deal so no I haven't forgiven him"

" But your going to?" Michael raised a eyebrow.

I shrugged. " Nick asked me if I didn't want to be with him anymore"

" What did you say?" Corey asked

" I didn't give him a answer"

Sighing Michael shook his head. '' I'm going to go see if there's anyone nearby" he quickly jumped from his position and jogged away.

" Why not?" anger riddled Corey's voice.

" Because I don't have one, ok" I hissed.

The love I felt for Nick was instinctual and I didn't know how to turn it off. Disappointment was evident on Corey's face and I couldn't look at him anymore. Looking around, I could barely see anything from behind the bush. Quickly I scanned the trees.

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