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Rolling my eyes I sighed looking over at Hildren

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Rolling my eyes I sighed looking over at Hildren.

" Trouble in paradise?" He joked.

" Nick's getting back together with a old girlfriend and he's suddenly acting like he can't be bothered with our lifestyle" I snorted.

Hildren nodded understandingly." Yeah.. love will do that to ya" he let out a laugh as a flash of light over his shoulder caught my attention. It wasn't lightning but headlights.

" What the hell" I muttered as I recognized the truck's license plate. Soon a motorcycle followed behind then another. It was the same people from the highway.

" Do me a favor?" I asked calmly as I pulled the 9mm from my hoodie off the floor. Hildren waited for me to finish.

" Get this truck to Nick's" I said sternly. The vehicles slowed to a crawl and I casually climbed out of the truck. Never looking away I could hear the engines of my car and Orlando's cut off. They were doing the same thing. I gripped the 9mm as I approached the truck when the sudden sound of tires screeching against the wet pavement made me halt. I slowly turned as I was blinded by another set of headlights. My body was suddenly yanked and I grunted, gritting my teeth and gripping my 9mm as I collided with the wet concrete. My shirt tore and I silently wished I just kept my hoodie on. Glaring I quickly rose up onto my knees and locked eyes with Savino. His dark eyes were wide in panic and I didn't understand why until I heard it. The unmistakable devastating, loud sound of heavy metal crashing into heavy metal. My gaze shot up as I looked on at Jeff's Corvette now almost completely crushed on the drivers side. Time slowed as I realized that there was no way he was alive. No one would have survived that, not even the other driver.. just like that Jeff was gone. He'd just came out to his family and gotten married to a guy named Bret. What.. My heart pounded in my ears as I looked at Savino again...
He just saved my life.

" No!" Orlando roared angrily and quickly lifted the automatic rifle and let loose spraying at the truck. Jumping to my feet I grabbed ahold of Savino and we ran behind my car. A second rider on the bike fired at us. Huffing I made eye contact with Will.

" Go!" I yelled and hastily he shifted gears but hesitated. A biker blocked the street. I looked over at Hildren. He was aiming at the trespassers with his shot gun in his hands. The assailants truck suddenly combusted into a flames, spraying pieces of glass and metal.

" No, go!" I pointed to the biker. Hildren only nodded and tossed his gun aside. He moved in the same haste as Will but he didn't hesitate or break as he neared the biker. Will stayed close behind as Hildren pressed the gas. In a last minute, the bikers tried to get away.. within the same minute, they were under the trucks, being dragged and causing sparks while leaving a bloody skid mark in the road. The last biker watched and quickly started after them.

In a haste I jumped from behind my car and aimed at the bikers tire. He swerved violently before crashing the ground. I ran over to him with Orlando and Savino in tow as he scrambled to get back on his feet. With the butt of my gun I hit them over the head. They struggled to fight my hands off and in one movement I slid up the window on the helmet. It was Randall, he smiled cheekily as blood ran in between his yellow teeth.

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