One hundred and Four

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Ppsss... be prepared to read, it's a long one.

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              After the necessary pleasantries I found myself sitting across the table from the Russo's newest Capo. My dad was here along with Gerald who came on the behalf of Tony since he was still in the middle of the casino project. His son Savino was here as well. Even with them here a unexplainable heaviness hung in the air as everyone spoke on behalf of their families. The respect was there but there wasn't a drop of trust, understandably so. It was a known fact that Nick and Vinny both were wild and easily triggered. I didn't come armed but I was sure Nick was, in situations like these it didn't look good. Intently I only listened as my elders spoke about the good, bad and the soldiers that have died. As my dad spoke about expansion, he shot knowing glances my way as if to ask me if I wanted to speak about the Russian incident. Fortunately for me my dad respected my wishes enough that once I shook my head for the third time, he didn't do it anymore. As everyone started to wrap up, a staff of maids brought out the beginning of a immaculate five course meal. After a quick prayer was said, the tension seemed to lessen amongst the older members but where we were, the uncomfortable sensation stayed in the air.

" You're not much of a talker are you?" Haden asked as he cut into his steak.

" No, I only talk when I have something to say"

He shrugged, clearly not believing that. " Your eyes say otherwise" he spat pointedly, eating a bite of the meat.

" Your point?"

As he swallowed Haden paused, blinking slowly as if I offended him somehow. " You're amongst friends here. If you have something to say, this is the time to do it"

Chuckling softly, I slouched deeper into the seat, matching Haden's gaze. "No I'm not"

A spark of amusement flashed in his eyes as he waited for me to continue.

" Besides, it's unrelated" I excused, pushing the creamy potatoes around the plate. " Anyways you're taking over Blaze and your dad's business, that's a lot to carry"

Haden chuckled softly. " You sound like you're offering to lessen my load"

" That's not what I said, I was just stating a fact. Hope you can handle it"

Haden hesitated before clearing his throat. " Nothing I can't handle yet"

A awkward silence filled the air again and I released my stiff tongue and spoke again. "Congratulations on your fight by the way, I heard by the end it wasn't even a fight anymore" 

A conflicted look flooded Haden's face as he struggled with what to say. "I had some added motivation" glancing over at his grandfather, a angry pitch rose in his voice.

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