Eighty Five

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" Michael let go " I laughed as my voice muffled against his shirt. As soon as I walked into chemistry class Michael pulled me into a bear hug, smashing my face against his chest.

" Corey thought you were hung up over that piece of shit but I knew better" he spat stubbornly squeezing me even harder. Smiling I hugged my dear friend back, exhaling his gentle masculine scent.

" Your not mad at me for pushing you away?" I asked softly enough that only he could hear.

" Of course not your my best friend, I'm glad to see you " he patted my back before pulling away. Teary eyed he smiled down at me.

" You look good, you must be feeling confident again"

I shrugged nonchalantly. " The first step of feeling good is looking good"

" Nick is go-"

-" don't!" I blurted angrily. Everyone in class casted wide eyed glances at me as Michael's shoulders dropped, Kaleb raised a eyebrow in confusion. The only person that seemed to understand my outburst was Kimberly as she offered a soft smile.

" Guys. Don't mention that name to me, please" I said shakily as I tried to control the flash of anger in my chest.

" I'm sorry Mia, I just-"

I held up a hand stopping Michael. " It's okay I just- I can't stand to hear it.. not right now"

Michael nodded understandingly before sitting back in his seat and I sat in my usual seat next to Kaleb. The class fell silent with only a little chatter as Mr. Willis started his class, I did my best to focus and take notes considering how far behind I was and how much make up homework that needed to be completed. As awkward it felt being next to Kaleb there was a strange comfort to it that I just couldn't explain. But the comfort sensation started fade as I watched the hands of the clock tick away. I didn't have Michael in my fourth hour, or Kaleb.

I had Marco.

And Nicholas.

I expected to feel a anxious clenching in the pit of my stomach at the thought of seeing his face. There was a overwhelming anger that only grew as the time neared. I had so much and so little to say to him but most of all I had something to give him.

The promise ring.

Amber said to throw it into the garbage with all the other things he's given me. This time I didn't give anything back, the shoes, clothes and purses I threw everything away. Josiah has been silent on the subject and though he's a quiet guy we knew our brother pretty well. There's been a furiousness about him and I know he's been planning something he just hasn't shared what it was with us. Not yet anyway.

Marco and Milo wanted to beat Nick's ass. More specifically Marco wanted to beat him half to death. Their friendship is on the rocks to put it lightly but in all honesty I don't care what they do to him..

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