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Huffing I power walked down the sidewalk and out of the parking lot. I tried calling Michael again but still no bars. It didn't make any sense, I could use my phone before but now it was a dead zone. Jake didn't drive for very long so I only had to be maybe 5 or 6 miles from the school. My house was just a  3 and a half miles from the school. I could walk easily. I've walked a lot farther at Gudens.

I had no music to keep me from giving up. That wasn't even the worst part. squinting I looked up at the sky, dark clouds were brewing a fierce storm. I could only hope that I'd make it home in time.

Taking a deep breath I sighed as I trudged on. This was another lesson learned. 


Somewhere along my trek I fucked up.

I was lost.

Either some buildings were torn down and new ones rebuilt but they weren't familiar. The sun was starting to set, it was starting to sprinkle and my phone was now dead. The street lights were far apart and even traffic was starting to dial down. Suddenly a flash of light caught my eye and I could hear another vehicle crawling along the curb. I had a curse at the tip of my tongue cause when I turned my head it wasn't Jake.

The big body suv was practically silent and the figures inside were hard to make out.

" Hey, beautiful you need a lift somewhere?" The man said confidently. I could tell he was older. Old enough to be my dad.

" No, thank you" I said in the nicest tone I could muster.

" Oh come on, pretty girl like you shouldn't have to walk" the guy in the passenger seat said coolly. " We can put you in a hotel too if you don't have any where to go " he offered leaning out of the window. His olive skin was clear and his black hair was gelled back. He was older too but probably college age.

" No, thank you. I have to go home" I said hastily trying to command my tired legs to go faster.

The man grunted. " What's the matter? Got a boyfriend waiting? You want some dick that bad" they laughed loudly. Quickly scanning the area, I pushed my tired legs and ran down a adjoining sidewalk.

" Hey! Where you going gorgeous!" The guy called out.

I dipped in a alley behind a nearby building. Crouching low, I tried my phone again but it was too dead to come on. I cursed. Unable to come up with a plan I waited. I couldn't risk walking main street again so I was going to sit out here all night if I had to. Just then the back door to one of the building's swung open. A burly man with a cigar in his mouth and a heavy looking trash bag came out. This was my chance. Panting I ran over to him.

" I'm being followed, Can I please use your phone?"

He eyed me suspiciously and paused.

" This the honey, you were looking for?" He asked coldly and a rock formed in my stomach. I stepped backwards, bumping right into someone.

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