Fifty Eight

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"What do you mean have I talked to Corey? Talking to him is the reason everything happened" I huffed as I propped my arm up on the arm rest of the living room couch. 

Josiah had left and taken our now only car. He said there was some kind of important meeting and if we wanted to come we would pretty much be saying we wanted to be involved. Marco went with him and even though I was curious I didn't really want to be seen let alone involved in some kind of big cartel/mafia boss meeting. After Milo got his car rental he wasted no time getting dressed to take Kimberly on a date. Everyone had plans for Friday night except for me and I was going to be alone again but this time the fear I felt before wasn't there.

" He's your friend Mia" Michael sighed.

" That punched me in the face" I deadpanned

" It was bad timing and you jumped in the way. You can't jump in the way of a train then be mad that the train hit you"

....He's right.

" Damn you Michael and your rationality" I say stern and playfully.

" He's upset by what happened, he even said he might just go back home. His mom is staying with his aunt so that means his dad is at the house-"

I frowned.

" But if he goes back wouldn't he be going back to the house and that means-"

-" his dad will definitely push him to enlist regardless of the divorce"

I chewed on my lip frustratedly.

" He hasn't contacted me at all Michael, he should at least apologize"

Michael let out a loud frustrated groan. " Mia! Go to him first he probably feels like you hate him and you don't want to hear from him so he didn't even bother"

That does sound like something he would do.

" I'll buy you a banana oreo milk shake from that place you like if you talk to him" Michael said sweetly

That sounds so good right now.

" Throw in some french fries and you have a deal"

" You got yourself a deal"

I smiled to myself. " I'll let you know how it goes, talk to you later"

" Good luck"

Hanging up I quickly found Corey's contact and pressed the phone symbol. Putting the phone to my ear, it rang and rang.

" Hey, you know you've reached Corey. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can"

Frowning I hung up and sent him a text.

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