Twenty Four

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" Where the hell is she?" Nick gritted through his teeth

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" Where the hell is she?" Nick gritted through his teeth. " I bet she's with that scar faced bitch"

I sighed at his assumption.

Since the auditorium was under renovation the assembly was being held in the gymnasium. We were sitting at the very back of the south end of the bleachers. Not many people could see us but we could see everyone coming in. Marco and Jake were scouting girls they wanted to bang, Dom, uninterested was playing a game on his phone. The girls sat in a row in front of us gossiping away with Johnathan. While I tried to catch bits and pieces of the conversations I was still fighting boredom. Nick tried to interject into Jake and Marco's scouting mission, but he was only looking for one girl in particular.


I felt like I had been punched in my chest as I watched Kim stroll in with her emo and loner friends. She looked like she hadn't been sleeping much at all... But that's not why Nick suddenly nudged me.

" What?"

" Am I crazy? Do you see Mia anywhere?" Nick asked loudly

" Do you know how to shut the fuck up?! Jesus Christ, your loud ass hell" Brianna spat angrily glaring at us over her shoulder.

" Then sit somewhere fuckin else" Nick spat, his elbows on his knees as he leaned towards her.

" What's the matter with you? Are you on your period bro?" Dominic asked sarcastically.
Nick shot him a look.

" Just chill, she's probably got diarrhea or something" I shrugged nonchalantly

" Or maybe she's off sucking Jake's dick" Giselle giggled too loudly.

" I'll pretend I didn't hear that, since I'm right here" Jake blurted in a obvious tone. I chuckled as Jake looked at Giselle like she was a idiot. Marco snickered getting a eye roll from Giselle.

" I could've sworn that was Gabby's job?" I asked sarcastically.

Nick looked around anxiously. " I'm gonna go look for Mia" he jumped to his feet. Simultaneously Dominic and I grabbed ahold of Nick's shirt and pulled him back down.

" What's going with you? Mia put you under some kind of curse?" Dominic asked suspiciously

" You need to calm down'' I added shaking my head.

" Seriously, If she misses the assembly, then she misses it no one cares" Valencia stated bitterly turning around and tossing her long hair . A ugly scowl spread across Nick's face.

" How about you turn the fuck around and mind your damn business" he spat

Valencia blinked like she couldn't believe what she just heard. " Excuse me! Pendejo!"

" I'll go look for Mia" Johnathan volunteered eagerly, standing to his feet.

I sighed frustratedly as Nick's scowl shifted to him.

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