Sixty Three

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With my headphones on I drowned out the little voice in my head that wanted to go home. Too many eyes watched me once I separated from my brothers as I walked through the hallways. They immediately headed towards the second floor and I the third. As I reached my locker I frowned opening as I looked at the now deflated balloons and the gift bag I never opened. Ignoring it I put my gym bag away as my phone vibrated in my back pocket. Michael had sent me a photo, it was a delicious looking frozen white chocolate and caramel frappe.

M&Mike- a new place by my house just opened and I couldn't resist, I got you one too but you have to come get it. I'm still at my locker.

Just as I was going to tell him to give it to Bri my stomach growled in protest and I remember that not only did I not eat anything this morning but I didn't have any coffee either.

Checking the time I had a few minutes to spare so I hurried down to the second floor. Per usual the second floor was crowded and my headphones did nothing to drown out the distinctive loud laughter and chatter. A mixed group of cheerleaders and drill team dancers were sporting their too tight, too small outfits. They were giggling from the little glance or grin from the guys standing across the hall against the lockers. Forcing the lump in the back of my throat down I glanced up at Nick, Corey, Kaleb and Jake in center of it all.

Their good looks were blantly unfair to the rest of the male species. Looking like adonis's all laughing and talking like lifelong friends and as fate would have it as I grew closer Nick's piercing silver eyes met mine. His smile started to falter as his eyes raked down my body sending a frantic fluttering in the pit of my stomach. Pushing my legs faster I hurried over to Michael's locker as he talked to Brianna. She was smiling loving up in his face but as I approached pulling my headphones down her smile vanished.

" Good morning"

" Hi Mia" Bri said softly

My eyebrows furrowed as I glanced at her. " Yeah, hi"

Michael grinned as he handed me my drink. " Morning, you seem to be in a good mood today "

I shrugged nonchalantly as I stirred the sweet, creamy drink with it's straw. " I'm in the best mood I could be in given the circumstances" I nodded to where the guys stood.

"Ignore them, out of sight, out of mind remember.. anyways I have a favor to ask"

I paused mid sip. " Oh no, what is it "

Michael let out a laugh. " Nothing like that but" he sighed as he glanced at Bri. " I'm trying out for the football team today"

My shoulders sagged as I gave him a knowing look.

" Don't start" Michael warned playfully. " Bri has to leave early and I would like it a lot if I had some support"

" And Corey can't because?"

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