Twenty Two

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It was crazy.

Attendance had practically doubled and everyone was wearing their best. And I was growing impatient. Not only was I itching to see Nicholas but Michael was running late. He kept a stash of snacks close by and I had the munchies. The fruit smoothie I drank did next to nothing to quench my demanding appetite. I didn't have Michael's combination so I was waiting at his locker.

It was then I knew Nick that had walked in, girls were pulling shirts down to show off cleavage and hitching up skirts to give a peek of panties like the cheerleaders. Guys stood straight with their chests puffed out or lounged against the lockers like they didn't care.

They obviously did.

They wanted Nick's crew to notice them.

A sudden outburst of hoots and cheers echoed down the hallway. It was so loud the sound seeped past my sound proof headphones. I knew what the noise meant.

Sporting broad shoulders, designer brands and long legs. Nick's stood out from the rest with his usual annoying smug grin plastered on his face. He sauntered down the hallway with even more unfamiliar faces than before. I watched as he acknowledged his friends with the usual hand slap or half hug to a few girls. He looked good, too good in just a t-shirt and jeans. His friends hovered around him excitedly greeting each other then his silver eyes found mine.

My stomach did a jump for joy as my heart pounded in my chest. His gaze dropped as he looked at me from my feet to my face. Then something flashed in Nick's eyes that I never seen before and his smug grin fell. He started over to me and I anticipated the flutters I got whenever he was close.

Suddenly a stunningly pretty girl with long jet black hair down her back and bright blue eyes jumped in front of Nick halting him. I bit the inside of my cheek as I tried to swallow the lump of jealously in my throat. She was flawless, she even gave Megan Fox a run for her money. She looked exceptionally happy to see him and didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around his waist. Nick wore a annoyed expression and said something to her while trying to push her off of him without looking like a total asshole. Getting her arms from around his torso, she quickly latched onto one of his arms. She giggled, squeezing his bicep. She wasn't going to let him walk away.

Looking at the time I sighed. Leaving out of the back of the second floor it was a challenge but not impossible. I headed towards the OP wall. The OP wall was where all announcements were placed. Your home room teacher would give us our new, permanent schedules. I requested wood shop and art as my extracurricular classes so if I didn't get those the main office was going to hate me again this year.

I had Mr. Cornell for home room. The same teacher that let Nick boldly brush his dick against my ass while passing by. Heading up to the third floor I hurried to my locker to put my jacket away then headed to Mr. Cornell's class.

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