One hundred and Three

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                                  The summit was half way across the country and since it was something that only happened annually everyone was to be there. It could have been considered a reunion if the people who came actually liked each other. The summit was a gathering of the strongest Mafia families. Though Ghidorah was one of largest, we weren't alone. There was the Russo's, The Calabries's and the Marino's. It wasn't always a meeting that was calm or even pleasant at times but everyone left on a mutual understanding that, no line should ever be crossed. If it was, a war would start. None of us really wanted that. As usual everyone was to exchange information on how profit was going and if anything urgent has happened. To top it off an announcement was to be made from the Russo's, supposedly his grandson was finally taking over.

We were going to meet him for the first time.

" Who are these people again?" Nick asked as our steps echoed loudly against the marble floor. Vincent chuckled giddily as I shot him a look.

" Now you ask?"

Nick wasn't able to come to the summit last year after taking two bullets, he was unable to travel and placed in the infirmary for months.

" Kaleb, Nicholas and Vito's boys!" A deep voice boomed loudly with a hearty laugh.
A large man with tan skin, dark eyes and his hair, was a rich silver with only a few strands of black remaining. He approached us dressed for the occasion like everyone usually did. Subtle but flashy. He was dressed in a high quality silk button down shirt. Pressed slacks and authentic italian loafers, his guards lingered behind eyeing us suspiciously and keeping a unsure distance.

" Mr. Russo" I nodded. " Taking precautions as usual"

He let out a little chuckle. " Kaleb, Kaleb so formal just like your father" swiftly he pulled me into a tight hug with a hardy slap on the back. " With boys like you all, I have to"

Before I could respond he turned towards Nick and extended his hand. " I didn't get to see you last year how have you been?"

" Sick" he sighed frustratedly. "Love sick"

Mr. Russo chuckled softly and I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I thought of Mia. She had every right to like whoever she wanted but the guy she brought back to the house.. something about him was off. There was a look in his eyes when he looked at us, a normal guy would be on guard obviously. But this guy barely said a word, he didn't just look at us, strategically he watched our every movement.

It was odd for someone "ordinary".

The guy was hiding something for sure, I could feel it and more than anything I wanted to rescue Mia from the situation. As of right now she made it clear that she didn't like me... Not at the moment anyway. If I mentioned anything about the guy I would immediately be labeled as jealous.

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