Forty Five

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I can't sleep

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I can't sleep.

It's been hours and I haven't been able to even shut my eyes. That wasn't even the worst part, the sun was starting to rise.

I couldn't get my mind to stop racing and when I inhaled all I could smell was her subtle sweet scent. Like coconut or maybe vanilla... Whatever it is, it's bothering me. Whenever she shifts her round ass brushes against me, calling out to me and I have to resist the urge to touch it.

I really shouldn't be around her.

Suddenly she jerked in her sleep, my eyebrows furrowed together and I glanced  at her. She let out a moan. " I can't"

She let out a shaky breath like she was crying.

" Mia?" I sat up onto a elbow looking down at her face. She was still sleeping, gently I touched her face and sure enough there were tears running across her soft skin.

" I can't" she cried softly curling her legs upwards her chest.

My heart pounded in my chest as I put my hand against her waist, gently shaking her.

" Mia" I said a little louder now.

" Leave me alone!" She suddenly barked and I snatched my hand away. " Get out of my head!" she cried thrashing her arms wildly.

" Whoa" I huffed dodging before she hit me in the face. Hastily I wrapped my arms around her shoulders. She fought against me for a second before giving up, relaxing and letting her body press against mine.

" Everything is okay, your safe now" I said softly, next to her ear.

" ..Nicholas" she breathed softly. I couldn't help but feel rejected. This is exactly why I shouldn't be around her.

Come on Kaleb, you just had a freakin threesome with two chicks that could easily past for models.

" What's wrong with me?" I muttered softly to myself, letting go of her and laid back down. Her breathing was silent and back to normal as her shoulders slowly rose and fell like before. I flinched at the sudden loud tapping at the door. Quickly and carefully I pulled the blankets back before clambering out of the bed and hurried over to the door. Swinging it open I stared back at Eli, his face riddled with impatience.

" What the hell. Are you trying to wake her up?" I hissed stepping out of the door and closed it behind me.

" Why are you in there? Are you trying to steal Nicholas's little girlfriend?" He asked bluntly

" Why does everyone keep asking me that? No she asked me to lay with her so she could sleep it's just until Nick got back"

Eli eyed me suspiciously and I scowled in return. " I don't fuckin want her, I have enough baggage of my own. Do not ask me anything like that again Eli"

He hesitated for a moment. " My apologies, I just th-"

" What did you want Eli?"

" Nicholas and the others are back"

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