Eighty- Family Pt 1

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2 weeks later. Friday night.

" You guys know if you want my guys to sell. I'm going to have to sample it"

The man said greedily as Nick cut the cocaine in four straight lines in front of him. His name was Olly Kimmer, he used to work for Monroe up until about a year ago. The guy stole about two hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment from Monroe then skipped town. The reason he was breathing right now was because Olly said he was dating Monroe's niece. He got her pregnant and they wanted to run away together. He wanted the equipment so he could start his own business and support his family.

It was romantic.. noble..

Monroe was willing to wipe the slate clean and forgive the debt for a family man.

Except that it was a fuckin lie.

Besides the fact that he got Monroe's niece pregnant, he actually did.  But he sold the equipment for money to buy methamphetamine, cocaine.. whatever was available at the time. Obviously the money ran out and it became apparent that the real reason he wanted to run away because he was abusive to her. After getting into a fight, he took a baseball bat to her stomach and killed the baby.

Then he ran back to DyverCity for a job.

But by that time Monroe's niece already called and told him everything that happened. Monroe immediately came to Nick and I after running it by our dad's. Olly wanted to start his own gang and sell for Ghidorah. Monroe offered the back of his shop for our meeting with Olly and made it clear that we weren't going to bring him in or sell Olly anything. No negotiation was to be done.

" Go ahead" I nodded handing him a rolled up dollar bill and leaning back as Nick casually walked behind him.

" Are you sure you guys don't want a hit?" He hesitated before leaning forward with the bill at his nostril.

" Nah, man go ahead" Nick said glancing up from his phone.

With a greedy grin, he expertly held snorted one full line and as he lifted his head. Nick lifted his pistol and fired at the back of his Olly's head. The loud bang shook the room as Olly's blood sprayed across the table and his head fell against the hardwood. Dark blood pooled from the jagged hole in his head and I stood from my seat before it could touch me. Pulling out my phone out I wasted no time calling Monroe. Holding the phone to my ear I followed Nick out of the room and nonchalantly flicked off the light.

" Yeah?" He answered mumbling like I woke him up.

" We finished that project you asked for, it's in the back " I said as our steps echoed loudly against the concrete floors of the massive mechanic shop.

" Good, I appreciate it. I'll be sure to have my guys check it out. Oh and Kaleb I'm almost finished with the bmw that you wanted, I just need to know what color you like"

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