Sixty Nine

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I hate this

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I hate this.

Shifting against the velvet soft fabric should have been easy to get comfortable.

It wasn't.

As I peered around the room. We weren't in the dining room like I anticipated. We were in a different room I never been in before. From what Leon said I wouldn't have had access to it anyway. It was a wide room with thick walls, surveillance monitors with too camera angles to count sat to one wall. At the back of the room sat a bar and large tv that looked like they didn't get touched. On the other wall sat dozens upon dozens of various guns. Hand guns, shotguns, hunting rifles, military grade rifles, grenades. Boxes and chain links of ammo sat stacked underneath the corresponding weapon. There was even a few bazookas and other heavy duty rifles I was sure that could take down a plane or two. A massive round table was the center piece of the room. It was made of wood and blood red stained glass that intwined with the glossy wood. A even more spectacular champagne crystal chandelier hung dimly lit from above.

A sudden loud slam made me flinch and we all looked up as Kaleb's dad Leon hurried into the room. Tony smirked at Leon's exhausted expression as Leon pinched his thumb and index finger together.

" I'm this close to sending those boys back to Vito" he said sighed as he sat in the seat between Tony and Kaleb across from us. I don't know if it was intentional or not but that's how we choose to sit. We picked a side. Nick and Kaleb sat next to their dad's while I sat between Marco and Josiah with Milo on his other side. In all honesty no one seemed to be where they really wanted to be at. Especially with the way Nick has been staring at me. With those incredible eyes and perfect face.

I couldn't help but want to be near him.

" Alright so where do we begin?" Leon sighed sliding a piece of paper towards us. I didn't reach for it. I could see what it was from where I was sitting but Josiah reached for it and Marco leaned passed me to see. With only one glance, Marco bursted into laughter and I smiled holding back a laugh of my own.

" Fuckin hell Mia" Josiah sighed tossing the paper down, looking at me.

" That's priceless" Marco smiled proudly. " Your a true artist"

" You think this is funny?" Tony asked coldly.

Clearing his throat Marco fought another chuckle before silencing himself.

" Greenleaf thinks that it was a threat from a rival gang on the Northside because of your little prank. " Leon said sternly as he stared at me. " This is not a fucking game. "-

-" Leon" Josiah cut in.

Putting a hand on his arm I stopped him as I sat forward. " I understand completely what this is. I also understand that Ghidorah feels that you all have a obligation to my dad to fix this. But I did what I did because of my dad, because of my family"-

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