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                     Grunting I slammed the car door shut as I limped towards the lone building. It's only been a week since Nick and I fought but between then and now there was a football game. Nick left me wide open and to be tackled to the ground and though I braced for it, I sprained my knee badly. So now I had a ugly limp until it healed.  I should have been resting it but my dad demanded that I meet him at Eli's gentlemen's lounge. I knew what this was, and I didn't have to ask if Nick would be there. He was here, I could practically follow his stench inside the building.

            Pushing through the doors, I spotted the familiar petite receptionist sitting at the round desk in the otherwise wide baron space. She didn't say anything upon recognizing my face, immediately she stood to her feet extending the familiar thin glass card with a gold barcode. Nodding a subtle thanks, I took it from her and headed to the elevators. The ride to the top floor was short and stepping into the wide open space, the atmosphere was completely different from the last time I was here. It was upbeat, happy even.

    The smell of cigars and expertly cooked food hung in the air. The girls actually seemed happy to serve the deadly men but then again if they didn't look happy...

" Yo K!" Looking around the room I spotted Jake's tall lanky frame in a far corner of the room. He wasn't in the back this time but at a chocolate brown leather rounded booth that faced away from everyone else. Heading over to him, I took notice of the sets of eyes that followed my movement. Everyone knew of the tension between Nick and I, with us being in the same room everyone felt on edge, waiting for one of us to make a move. Walking around the booth I nodded to the familiar faces that were here as well as Nick.

I told my dad I was willing to try to play nice with Nick. Try. But if he tried anything, I was going to do whatever I needed to do.

Sitting down Jake clapped his hands together and gestured towards the crowded spread of immaculate appetizers.

" Alright everybody is here"

" Not everybody" Dom muttered, avoiding everyone's gaze as he grabbed a rice ball from the table.

" What are you talking about?" I asked, slouching against the leather and pulling my phone from my hoodie.

Monica- hey, I have a extra ticket to the Titans bball game tonight. I haven't heard from you in awhile I thought maybe you'd wanna go?

Monica- if you come I'll let it go that you've clearly been ignoring me

" Marco was supposed to come"

Sighing I looked up at Dom's glum expression, putting my phone back.

" Why? Is he being a made man?"

Nick scoffed muttering something inaudible under his breath as he crossed his arms.

" No, well kinda of, I don't know. I called him and he said something about being busy"

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