Seventy One

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This was uploaded at 4 am so I want to apologize now for any horrible grammar errors lol

This was uploaded at 4 am so I want to apologize now for any horrible grammar errors lol

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Pushing through the door to cabin sixteen I froze as emotion after emotion rolled through me. Commander Jax said the new input's were out of control but none had been assigned here. So it sat empty except for us, this is we were going to be staying. Five beds to one side, six beds to the other slowly I walked over to my old bed and flopped down as the many memories replayed in my head. Amber slept to my right and since she adorned her beauty sleep she was usually sleep way before me. Leaving me with Corey on my left, when he wasn't between the legs of some girl we'd stay up talking late into the night. That was when we were close, we were best friends and I confined him even more than Michael. Suddenly his voice echoed softly in my head.

Everyday at Gudens I wanted to fuck you.

A twinge of anger pinched inside of me and I couldn't help but wonder if our friendship was ever genuine. Looking away from his bed I stared across from mine and my breath caught in my chest as a sadness filled me.


She slept directly across me. She didn't belong here, she was a sweet quiet girl that didn't bother anyone. She didn't talk much but when she did she had your best interest at heart. I wished I listened to her when she tried to tell me about Corey.

He is handsome and charming that's how he gets you to let your guard down. He's a wild card like Daniel and if he doesn't get what he wants he'll turn his back on you.

If everyone listened to you Julia, maybe you'd still be here. We should have seen the signs when you started to change.
I'm sorry.

Biting my trembling lip I sniffled, holding back the tear that threatened to fall. That's where we found her. Like a little doll she looked asleep but when we all were asleep she stuck out and took every pain killer and sleeping pill she could find. Then crawled back in bed, when she didn't wake up the next morning. We all knew what she did.

" Mia" Amber said softly as she finished stuffing her things into the small dresser then slid the rest still in the suitcase underneath her bed.

My bed dipped as Amber sat beside me.

" What's wrong?"

Silently I held back a sob as I gestured to Julia's bed. Without a word Amber wrapped her arms around my shoulders, pulling me into a hug.

" Are you girls unpacked yet?" Commander Jax asked impatiently as he stepped into the cabin.

" Yeah we're ready" I said quickly as I wiped my eyes and stood to my feet.

" Well let's get moving" he turned, heading back out the door.

" Are you sure your okay?" Amber asked softly as I followed after him

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