Thirty Eight

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" Um Corey" I said softly, trying to pull away. His arms around my waist didn't loosen.

" Corey" I tapped his shoulder.


" You can let go now"

Reluctantly, his arms released me and I stood back flat on my feet.

" Sorry, I started day dreaming" he admitted grinning.

Grabbing the drink, I playfully shoved him away. " Let's go"


The ice rink was inside of a huge dome like building in the heart of downtown. It was even bigger inside, bright lights hung from the high ceiling as if to put the cleanliness of the building on display. It resembled a mall but there where no stores to shop at besides gift shops or vendors selling food. It wasn't busy today so our footsteps thudded loudly as we curved around the corner of the hallway. I hadn't been here since my dad brought me here for my fourteenth birthday to see a live play. The memory filled me with such a warm happiness that I couldn't help but smile. Soon Corey led me through a wide door that led to another hallway. He told me just to keep going to my left, he was going to get our skates. Hesitantly I walked the hallway, I debated on turning back but as I grew neared, the air grew colder and there I seen it. A intimidating sheet of ice surrounded by a glass wall and a railing. I quickly came to the conclusion that Corey just wanted to see me fall on my face.

" Ok, here you go" his voice echoed loudly from behind me. I spun around and looked at the white skates he held out to me. The other pair were black. He got those for himself.

I frowned at my white skates. " I want black"

He scoffed. " Ha, no"

" They go with my outfit"

" Girls" rolled his eyes as he sat on a nearby bench and unlaced his sneakers.

Sitting next to him, I unzipped my boots and looked at the skates. I can't deny that the thin piece of metal I was supposed to balance myself on wasn't intimidating.

" If you want some help all you have to say is, I need some help daddy" he said coyly.

I let out a laugh. " And I'm supposed to be the funny one" 

" You don't have to be shy you know" he raised a eyebrow.

" I'm not shy and you know this"

He sighed contently. " I know, I'm not shy either or self conscious"- he slid closer to me, his lips next to my ear. " You already know how big my dick is, I wouldn't have to tell you to call me daddy"

Did it just get hot in here? Like uncomfortably hot. .

This suddenly was a really bad idea.

Corey just turnt his efforts from a 6 to a 437. He chuckled softly and a flutter traveled down my spine.

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