Forty Six

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My eyebrows furrowed as the distinct smell of something being fried drifted under my nose

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My eyebrows furrowed as the distinct smell of something being fried drifted under my nose. It smelt like bacon, my stomach growled viciously and eyes immediately opened. In haste I jumped out of bed and and half sleep opened my door where the smell was even more alluring and mouth watering.

I chuckled as Jake stepped out of his door and clumsy leaned against the door frame. Dom's door suddenly flew open with a slam and his eyes were still shut as he swayed uneasily on his feet. A loud inaudible sound echoed, vibrating the walls of the hallway.

Jake's eyes widened. " What the hell was that?"

" My stomach" Dom mumbled creaking his eyes open.

Jake and I chuckled before walking down the hallway, guiding Dom with us. We groggily sauntered down the steps. A unsteady vibration traveled through the metal and I looked up towards the third floor. He looked the worst out of all of us. A thick white bandage covered his shoulder and his hair sat wildly on his head like he had been struck by lightning.

" You look like shit" I joked half hearted. Milo gave me a deadpanned stare as he stopped his stride down the steps.

" I was shot yesterday I think I've earned the excuse to look like hell"

" He's got a point" Jake grinned

" Besides I don't look worst than Dom, he looks half dead"

Chuckling I looked back at Dom whose eyes were slowly closing as he tethered, about to fall down the steps.

" Dom!" I barked.

He flinched and his eyes suddenly widened in shock, frantically he gripped the railing to steady himself. We laughed as Dom glared at us and we finished going down the steps. " Fuck you guys I almost died"

Jake scoffed. " You wouldn't have died, with all the fat you have it would have cushioned your fall"

" I am not fat, you skeletor lookin bitch" Dom spat bitterly

I laughed as we walked into the dining room. The blinds were pulled from the tall windows putting the glossiness of the long crystal and metal table on display. The table held twelve with one chair at each end and five seats on each side. Even though there was exactly enough seats it still didn't seem big enough. Tony sat a end seat with Josiah to his right side, typing away on a laptop. Eli silently watched, sitting to Josiah's other side. While Marco sat next to Nick they were talking lowly as they looked at their phones.

" Milo" Tony smiled looking up from his newspaper. " How are you feeling?"

" Like I've been shot" Milo muttered softly before sitting on the other side of Marco.

" Are the painkillers helping at all?" Josiah asked gently. Milo only nodded.

" Are we non existent?" Jake asked leaning towards me.

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