Eighty Two

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" You know that's the first time I've ever seen that"

My eyebrows came together since I couldn't immediately place who the voice belonged to. Looking over I took in the sight of the beauty beside me. She was shorter and a little darker than Mia and was simply beautiful to put it lightly. She was the one that stood out from the rest, no make up sat caked on her face except for a gloss that added a shine to her full lips. A thick mane of black hair sat upon her head like a crown with fine tiny coils intwined in the mass making her look like something a artist would paint depicting a goddess.

She had her own look and I found myself staring at her rich golden brown hazel eyes. She blinded me momentarily with a perfect white smile as she waited for me to say anything.

" Seen what?"

Chuckling she jutted her thumb in the direction where the rest of the beautiful girls were sitting. " All of those girls could past for super models but you walked away. I don't know guys like you had that kind of will power"

" Guys like me? What does that mean?"

She shrugged her shoulders rolling her eyes playfully. " You know, rich boys with the world at their feet and never get in trouble for anything"

" I get in trouble for everything don't put me in the same category" I spat sarcastically before looking away.

'' Oh come on don't take it offensively, I'm just going off what I see" she gestured towards where the guys were laughing out loud with the girls. " Birds of a feather do flock together"

I scoffed. " It's not always that simple and if I were to assume you were like them-" I gestured towards the girls.

" -Or like that" she gestured towards Simone as she tilted a her back with a liquor bottle at her lips. " You'd assume wrong-"

-" So would you"-

-" I'm nothing like my cousin she only invited me cause she said her boss wanted some pretty girls to keep some guys company. Seemed like easy money so I figured why not"

" Simone is your cousin?"

She chuckled softly and winced looking at Simone again. " By marriage yes so, thank God for that,

I nodded understandingly. " You should leave"

She blinked slowly and hesitated, staring at me for a moment. " Um excuse me"

" You don't belong here and your in over your head and if you're really not like them like you say you are then you should leave now"

She scoffed, clearly offended. " No! You think because I'm not in some skin tight dress that I'm not pretty enough that- "

-" stop!" I barked frustratedly

She didn't need a skin tight dress, the simple sundress she wore didn't hide any of the natural curves that laid underneath. She was petite with a curvy hourglass figure that so many girls practically killed themselves for. With a impatient scowl she crossed her arms over her chest as her full lips came out in a pout.

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