Ninety Four

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       It was late, way too late to try to get something to eat and so we needed up on settling for a slushie from the gas station then I gave Corey directions to a nearby park. I've seen numerous people walking along it's path and that alone deemed it safe enough for me. Parking in the baron parking lot, we clutched our drinks and slowly walked along the concrete walkway. Mine was strawberry and green apple as I took a sip, I sighed contently as the sweet ice melted on my tongue. Glancing up at Corey, he was already staring at me with a dazed expression.

" What?" I smiled.

" How do you do that?" He asked softly, his tone was soft and melodic as he pulled his gaze from my lips to meet my eyes.

" Do what?"

" Make something as boring as drinking frozen juice one of the sexiest things I ever seen"

Laughing, I tossed my head back and playfully bumped into him. " Shut up, you always do this"

Chuckling his shoulders shrugged. " It's true, your like magic" he said with emphasis, waving his hand like a magician.

" You've been spending to much time with Daniel" I teased as he smiled wide. I loved to see him smile, it made me smile with him.

Clearly his throat he shrugged his rolled his shoulders. " If he could hear you, you would have made his day"

I rolled my eyes. " All I would have to do is say his name and that would make his day"

Corey shook his head in disagreement. " See, now you're getting us confused. I love the way you say my name" as his tone lowered again, I bit my lip as my goosebumps covered my arms. Avoiding his gaze, my eyes fell to the perfection of his lean, toned body that the thin t-shirt failed to hide.

Looking back up at him he wore a lazy grin, his stayed locked on me as my face flushed feverishly.

" Stop flirting with me" I pouted looking away from him.

" Why?" He hurried in front of me, walking backwards. " Is it because you like it? Or is it because you know I still want to be with you"

My feet stopped and I sighed, giving him a knowing look.

" Corey"

" I know, I know"Chuckling light hearted he swung his arm as he started to walk again. "Anyways how does it feel to finally meet your long lost grandfather?"

My eyebrows rose as I let out a tired sigh. " It's.. something"

" I bet, he seems like a nice enough guy though"

" You met? My grandpa?"

Scratching his head, he nodded. " Yeah, if I'm being honest I didn't just want to hang out with you, I also had something to tell you"

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