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Soon as my message was read my phone began to vibrate

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Soon as my message was read my phone began to vibrate. Amber was requesting a video chat. Quickly running my fingers through my hair, I answered it. Amber's face came into focus, her head was wrapped in a elegant looking silk wrap and her brown skin was flawless as a nearby lamp illuminated it.

" Hello best friend" she cooed happily.

I smiled. " Heyy beautiful" I chuckled as a warmth filled me. I missed my friend so much.

" Says the goddess, you look great"  she said pointedly with a grin on her face. " Seriously though your actually glowing, you look like sex, good sex too" she teased

I giggled as I looked away unable to fight my smile.

" Oh my God shut up" I laughed

Amber squealed. " Ha I knew it, about freaking time! Spill, it was the ex too wasn't it? "

" Yes it was" I admitted bashfully.

" I'm a genius!" She cheered. " Look at you blushing and shit his dick must be huge"

My core throbbed as my mind drifted back to Nick's manhood.. it was unreal.

" Sshhh" I giggled.

Amber giggled with a hand under her chin. " Just tell me yes or no"

" Yes, Amber" I hissed embarrassingly

" I knew it. You bitch I hate you"  she squealed excitedly.

I laughed. " Why don't you give Scotty a chance, he's skinny but he's fit and you know what they say about skinny guys " I said coyly

Scotty was pretty much in love with Amber.

" I am not doing the nasty with Scotty" she snapped. " He's fucking nuts plus my dad... He'd never approve"

I frowned. I knew that Amber came from a promident  family and they're standards were high. And Scotty.. while he comes from a religious family they sent him to Gudens cause they thought he was a demon replacing their actual son...

His whole family clearly has issues..

" Anyway, what was so important?" I asked changing the subject.

A different emotion spread across Amber's face as she sat up straighter.

" Are you alone?"

" Obviously" I said playfully

" Mia this is serious" she said lowly and I gulped, steeling my nerves.

"Yeah I'm alone" I nodded for her to continue.

" Remember when we all agreed that I would keep tabs on our Gudens files.."

I nodded. Amber was spoiled, rich, temperamental but brilliant.

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