Sixty Four

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The day continued it's annoyingly slow crawl with the support from my headphones to keep me from getting up and leaving. It wasn't school itself that was annoying but the things that were happening. Anywhere and everywhere I went, I was being watched. Between Nick and Corey I couldn't get a moment without feeling their gazes on my skin.

Just as I thought my torment was over I remembered that Michael asked me to come watch football tryouts. Walking along the bleachers I gazed down at the guys on the field. Almost all of them wore the shoulder pads with nothing underneath. They were shirtless and it made perfect sense as to why it was so hot today. They were running drills and all the various skin tones glistened with sweat giving the slogan, taste the rainbow an entirely new meaning.

A lot of girls were here watching and it obvious that the guys were trying their hardest to show off. Sitting away from the girls literally salivating over the guys I waved at Michael as they finally stopped to take a break. He smiled tiredly as sweat poured from his face, when suddenly he was tackled to the ground with painful loud thud.

" Keep your guard up Mike" Nick taunted as he pushed off of Michael standing back up. A lot of the girls giggled excitedly as he looked up towards the bleachers, pushing his dark hair out of his face. My heart hammered inside of my chest as I zeroed in on the sweat trailing over his defined muscles and down his golden tan skin. My mouth watered as the need to touch him took over my impulses. Biting the inside of my cheek I tucked my hands underneath myself as Nick's eyes met mine sending my hammering heart into a frenzy.

" Oh my God Nick is so hot" one girls said lustfully.

" Shh he's coming over here" another said

Swinging his arms he hesitantly walked over to where I was and propped his arm to lean against the fence.

" Hey"

Dropping his gaze I pulled my sketchpad out of my bag. He chuckled softly.

" You had so much to say a few days ago but now you can't talk to me?"

Sighing I tucked a loose curl behind my ear as I looked up at him. " Talk about what Nick?" 

He hesitated as his eyes lingered on my chest before moving up to my face. He sighed tiredly and stepped back. " Your right, nevermind"

Turning around I watched as he sauntered away with his sexy, cocky stride. Biting my tongue I held back the urge to call out to him. I was not going to cave this time, no matter how unbelievably sexy he is. The drills carried on and Nick continued tackling the guys to the ground with ease. Everytime he did it, he'd stop and look at me ignoring the screaming fan girls that went hysterical even when he blinked. He wanted me to smile or clap but I blantly refused no matter how impressive it was. I only cheered for Michael and soon as the sun started to set the first wave of tryouts were over. As tired as Michael was he dropped me off home and promised me that if he started feeling drowsy he would pull over. Tryouts were a week long to weed out the guys that weren't in good enough shape and those who genuinely didn't have a talent for the sport.

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