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                  I couldn't help but feel prideful as each and every member of our family had only increased profit and made progress expanding even father through the states. But my dad made sure to remind everyone that just cause we were getting stronger doesn't mean that our threats were gone. The strongest allies we had were the Yakuza and D company. The Russians hated us and Sinalin the Mexican cartel nor the Rastas wanted to align with us at all.

Or with anyone.

They wanted to stand alone.

That made them a indirect threat.

And good things only lasted so long. We all knew that everyone one of us had suffered lost and tragedy. I listened as Uncle Tony was wrapping up and as soon as he finished. I quickly stood to speak before anyone else could cut me off. Age didn't matter here we were supposed to respect each equally. Respect was earned not given based on age or gender. I'd earned mine and Nick had even double that. My dad looked surprised and Uncle Tony nodded to me.

" You have something to say Kaleb?"

Clearing my throat I stood straight. " The Yakuza is having problems and I think because of our alliance we need to step in and help"

" What kind of problems?" Uncle Tony asked. " Eli hasn't mentioned anything to me"

"  Their soldiers have been getting killed, they lost thirteen last week and the reason you haven't heard anything Uncle Tony, is because they don't want our help"

" Then why should we help?" Kenny blurted bitterly.

He didn't care for the way Yakuza did things.

" They don't know who's killing them and they don't trust us. But we have the skills, resources and know how to help. Jake Thao is a member and a friend of mine. He's a asshole but I don't want him to die. Plus If shit was to ever hit the fan for us they'd have no excuse to not step in and support us"

Nick muttered something under his breath and I shot him a look. I knew how he was feeling about Mia. If Jake would have gotten Mia a Uber home she wouldn't have been snatched by Tio and Ben.

Murmurs of agreement surrounded me and my ears felt hot. My dad grinned then he and Uncle Tony  exchanged looks. Uncle Tony smiled at me.

" Very well put Kaleb. A favor for a future favor" Uncle Tony rubbed his chin and nodded. "Yakuza has always honored that concept. I'll give Eli a call tomorrow and I want you, Nick and Jake to be here so your all involved"

I nodded proudly sitting back down. Uncle Vito suddenly rose to his feet. Nick and I dad's weren't small men but Vito was huge and burley. He didn't need to say much of anything to get everyone's attention. His deep baritone voice sent vibrations through the air silencing everyone.

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