Eighty Four

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              It's been almost two weeks

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              It's been almost two weeks..

                         .  Everyday I've been texting Mia, checking in because she has stopped coming to school again but she only reads it...

She never responds.

I understood she was hurting and she needed her space but talking to her, getting to see her face was like drinking water.
I was dehydrated as hell. As dehydrated as I was Nick has been well.. worst than anyone really expected. He spiralled when he believed she cheated on him but this time, he's not sleeping around like before. He breaks shit, the walls in his room are littered with holes and at night he cries like someone died. When everything unfolded Tony asked me to keep a eye on him at the house.. can't really keep a eye on someone who wouldn't come out of his room during the day. One night I found him crying in the library clutching a ring box.

He intended on proposing to Mia after graduation.

But he said it himself. " She's never going to forgive me"

I didn't know what to say cause even I know she's not. I offered a awkward hug because at that point he would start sobbing.. I hadn't seen Nick cry like that since we were like seven, when his mom died.

Strangest thing though I didn't feel bad for him.. not even a little.

Now Mia was single my dehydration was in full force but at least while I waited for Mia to come around I made sure that I wasn't lonely.

I found a way to quench my thirst for little while..

Groaning I shifted groggily at the muffled sound of a vibration with a song playing. Opening my eyes quickly looked down at the beauty laying against my chest. Her thick hair sat wildly all over her head as her thin arm draped across me. Carefully and silently I slid from underneath her and out of the bed. Hunched over I felt around in the dark for my jeans, finally feeling the familiar cold chain of my pocket chain I lifted them quickly dug into the pockets.

" Shit" I winced softly squinting my eyes from the harsh light as the name, Nick bounced on my screen. It was late as hell after everything with Mia, it was becoming a known thing that any call from Nick was a bad thing. Quickly I glanced over at the girl unmoving and still silently sleeping underneath the thick blanket. Facing the furthest corner in the room I answered it, pressing it to my ear.

" Yeah?"

" Kaleb, bro what's up"

" What do you mean what's up? It's two in the morning what the fuck is up"

" I messed up man, I need your help"

Sighing I hung my head as I tried to think of the right thing to say. After since the break up with Mia it's all Nick has been doing drinking, breaking shit, picking fights and crying. This time there was a edge in his voice.

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