Seventy Four

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As much as a part of me didn't want to I took Mia back to the girls side. I left the big SUV with her and walked back with a little grin that kept rising up my face. Whether if it was because of the events that kept replaying in my head or because I could still smell her scent lingering on my clothes. The grin stayed on the long walk back to the rec center.

Just as I put a hand against the door, it swung open to reveal Corey and Mike.

" Where have you been at?" Mike asked curiously as I stepped back letting them out.

" I just took Mia back to girls side" I jutted my thumb in the direction behind me. " Where are you two heading?"

Corey pointed towards the setting sun. " Need to take a shower then head to sleep"

" Sleep? Why? It's not even dark yet"

Mike quickly looked around and as a few guys passed by he gestured in the direction behind me. " Walk with us"

Stepping around me Corey nudged me to follow along, so I walked alongside of them as we needed towards the cabins.

" What's going on?"

" Look around" Corey gestured towards the wide open space with the wide wooden cabin scattered about. " Looks normal right? But I can guarantee that there's someone lurking and listening. We can't talk out in the open. "

" We're not talking about anything" I stated obviously as we stepped inside of the cabin. It was empty as expected but hastily Mike and Corey went to their beds and began pulling their clothes from their bags.

" Not to you" Mike looked up from his things as he gathered everything in his arms. " By Gudens code we shouldn't be talking to you guys at all. Your outsiders, a easy target and it would look bad on our part if they heard us helping you"

" What the hell are you talking about? Stop talking in riddles, how are you helping me? By telling me to take a shower?"

Mike let out a loud groan. " No, by telling you that you, that you need to be in bed by the time the sun goes down"

My eyebrows furrowed together as I stared back at him. " What happens when the sun goes down?"

" The staff leaves" Corey interjected tiredly. " Everything seems normal now because the staff is controlling the scene but once they leave.. everything gets really real, real fuckin fast."-

-"It's every man for himself"

" Your fucking with me"

Mike shook his head. " I wish we were"

" You better hope that none of those units are feeling confident and decide they want to try this cabin" Corey shook his head.

" You'll be fine "

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